Life sentence

898 22 4

[3rd person POV]

The beast got through and slashes toward the unprotected Feyre, only to fly back. The seemingly unprotected Feyre had the strongest sheild she could wield up, protecting her but mainly her child.

The beast recovered quickly and attacks again but with more vigour. Feyre holds up and shows no sign of strain until she begins to wince.

Her power felt like it was slipping away, being pulled out like a rug, and her fear skyrockets with the familiar feeling.

"Mor, Az help! I somehow got faebane in me" she yells in desperation, scared for her baby's life.

Mor's dread turned into fear and rage as she realized how much and how long her father must have planned this.

He must have covered the bloodhound beast's body in faebane in hopes that it would weaken her shields then be inhalled by her.

"Azriel, cover your nose, it's airborn" she quickly instructs and does as well. They hurry to try and cut the beast down, before Feyre's power gives out.

But they couldn't cut through the thick fur and hide of the beast, it was too coarse. Azriel tried using his siphons to wound it, but it hardly made a dent.

"CASSIAN GET YOUR BUT TO THE OFFICE NOW! AND COVER YOUR NOSE AND MOUTH" Mor yells in a large bellow to reach him.

"Az, let's converge on one spot with concentrated attacks to get through and hurt it" Mor says, her idea ingenious and a good plan.

They nod and both aim for the beast's throat, which was the only part mostly stationary compared to the moving legs and torso.

They had made a dent in the beast's defenses, but that just earned them it's attention. It turned it's head and bored it's eyes into them, the glowing whites eerily focused and sentient, with little rage. It turned back tough, focusing on Feyre again.

It sent chills down their spines as they knew that this beast was a hunter. And an accomplished one at that, that will never let it's prey go without a fight.

"What in the cauldron's legs is that! That's no normal bloodhound" Cassian says running in on the scene. Then he sees the position Feyre's in and joins in on targeting the beast's throat.

It growls and snarls at us, but no matter how much it moves around we keep at it. It was also handicapped by the fact it would not leave Feyre, determined to have it's prey. At this point she was prone on the ground and screaming in pain.

Feyre was sweating and her muscles were strained as they helped deal with the weight and power of the horrid beast.

"Just a little more" she heard one of them scream from affar.

She was so tired and even more faebane got into her system. She prayed dearly for her son to remain unaffected by it's affects.

But then she felt the beast sink it's claws deeper into her weaken shield and put more pressure on her body.

It's going to crush me and my unborn child as well, she thought with despair.

A tear escaped her eye, then a whole torrent was escaping them as she cried for her boy, the last peice of her mate to exist within the world.

Don't cry, said a strange yet fimiliar voice in her mind.

Suddenly her shield gained back it's strength and height. The beast was repelled back and then stabbed all the way through with stakes that formed from the shield.

Feyre cried in relief and happiness but felt drained and dizzy.

"Feyre!" Mor shouts running to her, but was stopped by the shield.

"Feyre, calm down, lower your shield" Mor says lightly, trying to relax her.

"I-I can't, my power i-isn't making the shield" she stutters, shaking badly.

"It's okay Feyre, your safe" Cas says soothingly.

No, you'll never be safe unless I'm there, says the voice again.

Azriel notices it before Mor or Cas because he was just watching, but he sees when the shield drops.

And Feyre with it.

His heart fills with fear and he panics winnowing her to Madja's immediately. The healer takes one look and shoos him out.

"I need space and quiet to work on her" she stated curtly, shutting the door behind her.

Mor and Cassian are already there, looking worn out and afraid.

"She'll be alright won't she" Cassian asks.

"What were you doing?" Mor yells at him.

It was unexpected and sudden, making a tense atmosphere in the room.

"What do you mean?" Cassian aks in reply.

"You, the general of our High Lady's armies, ran to your mate when Feyre was in danger!" she spat at him.

"You wouldn't be saying that if you actually had a mate" he snaps back.

Mor was pissed at Cassian, but really deep inside, she just wanted a release of her fear for Feyre. And that had hurt.

"Feyre lost her mate and now almost her life and legacy, but what she really lost today is your loyalty" she said pointedly.

Cassian stood there stunned and deeply hurt about what she said.

"You guys are my family and I'll always be loyal to that" he said quietly, looking down slightly in shame.

"Well, must have forgotten to recite that whole mantra today because You. Weren't. There".

She turned her back to them and sat doen in a waiting chair, looking even more tired and frustrated than before.

Cassian was wounded in his heart, but he just acts cooly as he says "I'll check to see how the city is. It was pretty quiet outside earlier when we came" Azriel just nods his head and Mor ignores him as expected, but, he wishes  she hadn't.

And they all go to their separate ways, maybe not physically, but in spirit.

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