Keeping up

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[3rd person POV]

Helion arrived to the Night Court expecting a warm welcome, but instead received silence. He wondered why it was like this, thinking the worst had come to pass for his friends and allies.

"Something happened" Nashira stated, looking around keenly at all the fresh evidence.

"Could they have been attacked? No, nevermind it's obvious they were, where are they?" Kaimuzu asked.

"At the healer's" said a gruff voice from inside. They turn and all look to see a very gloomy Cassian standing inside the wrecked livingroom.

"What happened? Is Azriel alright?" Samila burst out quickly, worried and stressed out for her mate.

"Rebels from the Court under the mountains happened and yes Azriel is alright" he says equally as quick.

"What about Feyre and the baby? Are they still okay?" Kaimuzu asks next.

"You could say they are" Cassian replied. And what he said was true. Feyre's body was doing much better, but she was in a coma still.

"Take me to her" Helion commands. Cassian just shrugs and walks out the door with them following behind him.

"Why can't we just winnow there?" Nashira asks when Cassian said it would be a long walk.

"Wards, to protect the sick and injured from anyone wishing to end their life but also safety reasons" Cassian answers.

"Smart" she remarks to him.

"Yeah" he mumbles out, only because Rhys came up with it he thought in his head. And I bet he still had many plans in his infuriating head to better the city.

"We're here".

Inside they went and Cassian brought them to Feyre's private room in the healer's building.

They all came in to see Feyre looking to be in a peaceful sleep but the give away was that she was floating in the air, surrounded by a bubble of power.

"How is she doing that?" Kaimzu asks. "I've seen many coma cases but never that".

"There is an outside force keeping her within the coma, most likely the cauldron" Mor said.

She stayed in her seat that she had been curled up in for hours. She didn't care if she looked like a mess, if she was being rude, she wanted Feyre back.

"Helion, do you have any idea why this happened" Elain desperately asked.

Helion was quiet a moment, gathering his thoughts and ideas in a way not to give them too much hope.

"This might actually be a good omen. If the cauldron is keeping her safe, then it wants to keep her alive not kill her. It also mean that whoever has it, is not in full control of it or not with it at the moment" he stated.

"Making this the best time to attack and acquire the cauldron".

They turned around again, like déjà vu, to Azriel who was standing in the door way who just spoke.

Samila sighed heavily when she saw him, still worried for him without seeing him for herself. It took all her self control not to fling herself at him and hold him tight without letting go. Azriel sent her a soft look, quelling he'd uneasiness altogether.

"How can we do that without leaving Feyre alone, without any protection" Mor admonishes them.

"Samila, Kaimuzu and Cassian can stay to look after her while the rest of us go to get the cauldren" Helion says to her.

Mor nods slowly and looks Cassian in the eye when she says, "I'm okay with that because Cassian will be here". She wanted her words and trust in him to be an apology for how she acted before. It was all just her fear and she felt awful the whole time afterwards.

Cassian grinned at her, showing he accepted the apology.

"What are you guys going to do with the cauldron when you get it?" Nesta suddenly asked pointedly.

Helion slowly and calmly faced Nesta who was beside an unfocused Elain, and answered her question.

"I'm going to sever it's tie with Feyre and her unborn child. And hopefully, bring Rhysand back as well".

A/n: See now I said before I might have given you guys the Feysand you wanted by bringing the ever brilliant Helion in. But the question is, how will he do it? And will Feyre survive it? I wonder what you guys would do if I killed Feyre by having Rhys come back? Probably kill me. 😂

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