Care & answers

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The next morning alex woke up, he felt horrible. His back hurted from the scars being pressed onto the stone bed by his own weight. And his heart hurt from his nightmare. He didnt feel like moving so he just laid on his back staring blankly at the ceiling until he heard the door open. He sighed and looked at thomas who brought some stuff with him. "What happend last night? I heard sobbing"
Alex scoffed.

"Why would you care?"
"Because i may hate you, but im not heartless alex" he calmly sat down next to alex and unchained his hands. He grabed his chin and forced alex to look at him. "Now tell me what happend" he calmly said with a blank expression.
"I-i had a nightmare" alex remembered and tears formed in his eyes. Thomas let go of his chin and sat closer to alex.

"About what" he said as he examend alex tears stained face "if i may ask" he softly added.
"I-it was about the h-h-hurricane back on the carribean. I was about 12 years old when it hit and my leg was stuck under something. I panicked as water was rising up. I looked around and i saw-" a tear rolled down his face "my mother dead next to me. I got the thing of my leg and almost drowned. Then i woke up and-" he started to full on sob now.

Instead of responding with a snarky comment thomas wraped his arns around alex and rocked him back and fortht. "Sshhh everything will be okay. Im here" alex clung onto thomas his shirt and hid his face. After a while alex stoped crying. "T-thank you." Thomas didn't respond but instead went to get a cloth and some liqued, he put the liqued on the cloth and returned to alex. "Take off your shirt please"

"W-what why?!" Alex asked confused and a bit scared. "So i can clean the bruises and scars on your back" thomas responded. Alex complied and took off his shirt. His entire back was either red od a blueish purple. "This will hurt a but but try not to move okay?" Alexander nodded and thomas dabed the cloth om his back softly trying to both not hurt and clean the scars. After a while thomas was done and saw alex looking at his arm. Thomas slowly and gently grabed his arm and it revealed alot of the simular scars on his back. No these where different. Self-harm scars thomas thought to himself.

"You cut?" In thomas his voice was a bit of concern. "Y-yeah" alex stammerd and looked away. "Why?" Alex looked at his knees and sighed. "Its a long story. And it involves me not hiring you. I dont want you to get mad or upset" alex said. "You wont i promise." Alex took a deep breath and said "remember how you dated john laurens in school?" Thomas nodded "well i thought you knew that i had a crush on him and i thought you did it to get back at me for not shutting up." Thomas looked speachless "i-i didnt know you had a crush on him" he felt guilty. "I never got a change to actually date him because- well you know the rest." Thomas was confused. "No i dont. Could you kindly tell me?"

Alex snickerd at the thought "Well john died about a few years later. It was a car crash and they never caught the other driver. It looked like a hit and run." Alex wiped his eyes with his bare arm. "Im so sorry alex i didnt know" bam! A loud sound of thunder was heard and alex shiverd. Thomas immediatly hugged him and comforted him. He ran his hand trough the dark locks of alex hair as the boy shiverd and sobed. He clutched onto jefferson and they stayed like that until the storm was over.

"Hey alex- i just wanted to say that im still mad at you recking my life but il take it easier on you. And if you listend to me and do what i say i will eventually let you go. I promise" and with those words alex nodded and fell asleep on thomas his chest. Thomas didnt move he stayed like that and let the scottsman rest. 'He needed it' thomas thought to himself.

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