Bobble Hats And Scarves

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A few hours later, Camilla had realised the reality of the situation, and was excited for this. She walked into the lounge and saw that Vivian had just booked a cabin in the woods, and a ski holiday. Camilla pranced away, into her room. She jumped onto her bed and started scrolling through her phone for a while.
"Cam!" Said Vivian, scaring Camilla.
"Aah!, what was that for?" Jokingly said Camilla.
"Start packing, we're leaving tomorrow" Said Vivian, bubbly.
Camilla, throwing her phone onto her bed, jumped up and fell into her closet where she would stay for the next 6 hours, organising and packing clothes, throwing bobble hats and scarves into the medium-sized-case. At 11:30, she decided to fall into her comfortable bed, and go into a deep sleep, one like she had never had, satisfied that she didn't have anything to worried about.

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