numero uno

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Jimin didn't know what to think when he rose from underneath the ground. 

"What the hell..." Jimin said to no one as he looked at his glowing figure. 

"No! This is impossible! I'm dead! I remember  dying! How am I here..." Jimin held his head in frustration. He remembered it all too vividly...


"How could you do this to me! I loved you..." 

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to it was beyond my control!"

"Was it beyond your control to get drunk? Was it beyond your control to cheat on me? Oh tell me, was it beyond your control to not be drunk and cheat on me more than once? More than twice? Was it?"

"I wasn't drunk! I'm telling you. I. Was. Drugged."

"Drugged?! What kind of bullshit?"

"Jimin, listen to me, it sounds crazy, I know but please-"

"No, you can save it! I don't need to hear what you're going to say. It's bullshit lies with you, get out of my life." 

A few weeks after..

"I'm broken... I can't be fixed can I?" Jimin's flashback self said as he downed another five pills as if it was a shot. "Might as well go all the way..." Jimin picked up a razor blade. "It ends now." Jimin dragged the razor vertically up his wrists, showing no emotion as he did so. An abundance of blood spilled from his arms. Jimin felt his knees go weak, but continued to do the same to the other side. 

"Goodbye..." Jimin took his final breath. It was only seconds after until he died from  drug overdose and loss of blood.

Jimin was dead.


"Don't worry, you're still dead." A blonde haired ghostly looking person approached Jimin.

"Are you-" Jimin started.

"Dead too? Yeah man. We're calls Wisps." he flicked his lollipop stick to the ground. "It seems like you're one too."

Jimin ran a hand through his hair. "So is this what happens after people die? They become Wisps? " The blonde nodded.

"Usually we undergo a process to change ourselves from what we used to be. For instance before I died, my hair was a shade of light brown. Then I died now it's a blonde colour. It seems yours has turned silver." The Wisp plucked a silver strand off Jimin's head.

"Yeah, it was black before." 

"Have a look in the mirror." He handed Jimin a small mirror.

He didn't look like himself. Light grey eyes and silver hair. They complimented each other well His skin was still a perfect tan, but he looked more ghostly  to say the least. He wore an oversized white sweater and black skinny jeans. His styled changed too?

"What do you think?" The blonde one asked?

"I kind of..." Jimin glanced at the mirror again. "I kind of dig it."

"Most people do." The blonde giggled. "I'm Taehyung by the way." He held out his ghostly hand.

"Jimin." They shook hands. 

"Well, I suppose you don't know what to do with your life-"

Taehyung watched as Jimin's face fell. "I guess it's not a life anymore... so your death? Afterlife? Afterlife. I guess you don't know what to do with your afterlife  now." Taehyung continued.

Jimin nodded and kept silent. 

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" 

"Not that I know of." Jimin sighed.

"Come with me." 

Taehyung led the new spirit out of the graveyard and they walked on the streets as if they were normal humans. 

"I suppose as we walk, I can give you a bit of backstory on who we are and what exactly we're capable of doing." Taehyung stuck his hands in his pockets. "So to start off, you're a Wisp. Calling yourself a spirit or ghost is also okay, but the technical term is a Wisp. Anyway, there's plenty of things you can do. You can take on a human form if you'd like to, which is basically what you're doing now, and you have two options. One, is you can take on a human form, but ghostly, which is what we are right now." Taehyung gestured towards Jimin's stomach so the new spirit could take a look.

"As you can see, you're practically see through, but still seen. By doing this you can only been seen and heard by other Wisps. Now your second option for human form is to take on a human form, you can be seen, touched, and heard by anyone, humans and Wisps alike. You can also interact with humane objects by doing this."

"So then why don't all Wisps just do that and return to living normal lives?" Jimin questioned.

"Well, there's a catch. You can't just change and stay like that, it'll wear off after about two hours forcing you to return to either your Wisps form or Human Wisp form for about 4 hours. Then you can become a human again if you'd like. The power is quite draining actually. Most Wisps tend to stay in their Human Wisp form." 

"I see..." Jimin's gaze was on the sidewalk in front of them.

"So then your last option, I already mentioned was your Wisp form. Basically when you do this you look like a floating ball of light. In your Wisp form you can fly, move around places faster. It's helpful and you still aren't seen or heard by humans, only Wisps"

Taehyung became silent once it was time to cross the street.

"Anyway, I should probably tell you that you don't need to eat or drink to stay alive, because you're dead. Your heart isn't beating you aren't breathing either. You can  eat though, but it's kind of a useless practise, unless you've somehow made an Earthly friend."

"What about sleep?" Jimin asked as Taehyung's face lit up.

"Sleep. You need it more than humans do. Wisps can sleep for up to 3 days and be able to stay awake for a week. The longer you sleep the longer you can be awake, if that makes sense. Like, sleeping for three days will keep you up for a week as I said. After the week is up, you'll start to feel tired and then drift off to sleep as any human has before. The thing is time works differently for us, it's hard to explain, you'll just have to adjust to it." Taehyung shrugged. 

It was a lot to take in really. Jimin could still continue his life, but would that be awkward? Everyone who knew him thought he was dead. Jimin himself even thought he was dead. How could he just step out of life then back in? It was impossible.

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