numero dieciseis

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A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wasn't planning on updating today because my family is hosting a New Years dinner thing tonight and I thought there would be more preparation that would involve me, but I guess not. Anyways, I don't think I'll need to say anything at the end of the chapter. Enjoy :)

Author's POV:

It was another long day for Jungkook at school, but with Jimin's help he learned to cope. He earned a few looks from other students as he appeared to be talking to himself, which made Jimin laugh.

"Hyunggg, stoooop." Jungkook whined as Jimin kept blowing cold air onto his neck.

"But I'm bored." Jimin frowned.

"Don't you have friends in your little spirit world to go hang out with?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, but he's probably too busy sucking off his boyfriend's-"

"Don't finish that sentence." Jungkook raised his hand.

"Face?" Jimin finished anyway.

"Oh." Jungkook sighed in relief.

"What did you think I-" A wave of realisation hit Jimin like a bus. "Oh, you little shit." Jimin smirked.

Jungkook chuckled internally as the bell rang to dismiss the day. 

"You know..." Jimin said walking out of the class along with Jungkook. "I would take you to my, uh house? but unfortunately it has to be kept a secret." Jimin frowned visibly. 

"Is that so? Why's it a secret?"

"Well, first of all, it's full of other spirits, and second I'm probably going to get scolded by the Wisps who have been there longer than I have."

"But that doesn't answer my question." Jungkook held the door opened for Jimin, but he reminded him how he can walk through solid objects. 

"Right... now answer me." 

"I-" Jimin looked at his feet realising how little he knew about the reasoning for the secret. "I really don't know... but it's not important. Don't you think that a human showing up at a house of spirits would be weird? It's like an unwritten rule you know..."

Jungkook shrugged. "I guess that makes sense though." 

Jimin hummed in response and unconsciously grabbed Jungkook's hand, sending shivers (physically and mentally) down Jungkook's spine as Jimin's cold "skin" touched his warm skin. Jimin smiled faintly as he watched the blush creep onto Jungkook's face as the younger looked down at their tangled fingers.

"Jimin..." Jungkook stopped walking and Jimin stopped next to him.


Jungkook slowly lifted their hands up. "Turn into a human so I don't look retarded for holding a nonexistent hand."

Jimin chuckled and looked around to make sure no one was watching. He changed at Jungkook's request. 

"And Jimin?" Jungkook looked at the older.


Jungkook stared at their fingers, tangled in one another's. "You aren't alive but... this feels so... right."

Jimin chuckled and laid his head against Jungkook's shoulder. "It does, doesn't it." Jimin sighed and they continued walking back to Jungkook's house.


Anonymous POV: 

"Oh, Jungkookie... I don't know who you think you are, holding someone else's hand... Such a shame. Don't worry. I'll have you... one way or the next..."

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