Something Dangerous

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After I cleaned myself up, I went to my room and cleaned myself up and jumped onto my bed. All of a sudden I had loads of flashbacks that zoomed back into my mind. They were of Troy and Libby which caused a tiny tear to leek down my cheek, as I turned onto my side I saw a box of my multicoloured sharpeners on my side. In my mind it told me I shouldn't but my heart told me I should...I think you know what happens next. I got up and picked up my blue sharpener, snapped the plastic off the sharpener, picked up the blade, rolled up my sleeve and did it! I then repeated it over and over again until my arm was full off cuts, I didn't know what to think at first but I then cleaned myself up and rolled my sleeve back down so no one would know.

What have I just done...

It stung for like 3 seconds but after it I felt a lot better with myself. I felt like I got everything off my chest and a world has been lifted off my shoulders. I felt a lot better after everything that has gone on, I thought everything was going to be alright all I had was a little blood running down my arm, but I thought it looked nice like a new bit of art that I didn't want to wash off.

I had no intention of telling my parents as they will probably go mad. I know I said at the start that my dad had no care over me but since Troy and Libby has gone missing they are both so overprotective. I think this is because they have actually stopped arguing for 5 minutes and took care and pride into their own kids. They have started to pay attention to me and to what I say.

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