"Forever." Stalker!Yandere!VY2 Yuuma X Reader

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Your name is (F/N) (L/N). You live by yourself, and attend a collage for musical talent. This, of course, was also where a very popular student, Yuuma, went. He had great looks, a wondrous talent, and everyone seemed to like him. Yuuma was kind to everyone, unless you caught him in a bad mood. He coincidentally liked going to the same coffee shop as you, same drink and everything. At first you found this odd, but as and Yuuma began to talk, you found more you two had in common. You both loved the singer (F/S), you both liked the colour (F/C), and more. It was nice to have someone so like you. 

It was a Monday, and you had to skip your coffee shop visit to pack as you were going to be moving. As you were packing something caught your attention. A small item that had a red light on. You shrugged it off until you found more. This brought up your concern. You shoved all the objects into a drawer, and grabbed a few of your items. There was a knock on the front door, and you quickly opened it, finding a tall pink haired male, with a coffee in his hand. Confusion set in, knowing that you'd never given out your address. But Yuuma was someone you trusted. You allowed him in, and  took the coffee he offered you, sipping it,before explaining what you had found. A mischievous grin made way to his face. 

"Ah, you found my cameras. "He said calmly. You had started to feel dizzy, and panic began to set in. "It's okay my love. I'm gonna take you where you'll be perfectly safe. No one will ever try to take you from me again." He spoke before you lost consciousness.

You awoke on futon in what looked like a basement. There was a few items scattered about, including a chair with some ropes on it. There was some food sitting on the floor next to the futon, and it looked freshly prepared. While you were hungry you didn't trust the food after the coffee. You made your off the futon, trying to find a door. once you found it you checked to see if it was locked. It wasn't but as you opened it there stood a Yuuma, on the phone, not noticing that you had opened the door. 

"Yes? Okay. Sure. Ten minutes."  He talked into the phone, turning, looking down at the door. He gave you one of his normal sweet smiles, before pointing at you. You realized he was telling you to get back into the room. You took a small breath not moving, before quickly going into the basement once more when Yuuma started down the stairs, threateningly. After a few, Yuuma came through the door. "Hey beautiful. Sleep well? We'll decorate your new room soon. However you want it. Just as long as you never leave me. We will be happy. Forever."

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