Teacher!Yuuma x Cute!Lolita!Reader

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Your name is (F/N) (L/N), and you are into the Lolita fashion, wearing cute pink Gothic themed dresses, and cute accessories that compliment the fashion. You have managed to bypass the school dress code, allowing you to wear these cute, fun, distracting outfits whenever you felt like it. You had recently turned (C/A) and you were very pleased by the newest edition to the  family of dresses you owned(Dress above). 

Happily you wore it to school to show off your treasure. You had a teacher you wanted to impress, your music teacher, Mr. Yuuma. He was by far your favorite teacher, and he had seemed to favorite you over the others. 

His class was the last hour, so you had to wait for quiet a bit before you could show it off to him. He would love this. He loved all your Lolita dresses, and anytime you wore it, you got complimented. 

By the time you reached your last hour, you were a bit exhausted. You had no interest in actually participating today, unless you were bribed. Mr. Yuuma knew your interest, and your limits. And because of not participating you ended up having detention in his classroom. He sat on his desk, watching you. 

"Participating is required, no matter how cute you are, Mrs (Y/N)."

"It is? Whhhaatt?" You said innocently. He growled a bit, standing up. 

"You know this very well. No amount of cute dresses is going to help you. " You smile at this. You pulled a cute face.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Yuuma. Please forgive me?" Yuuma sighed. He walked over to you, glancing at the closed door. He hugged you , keeping you close.

"Be good, you brat." He muttered smiling back at you. 

"I will~" You said happily, giving him a small peck on the cheek.

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