Chapter One

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Sixteen. It's a young age for anyone to find their feet, even under the best of circumstances. Money, a definite place in college and a straight A student. Even these do not fill the void of loneliness.

Sixteen. A young age to muster up the courage to move out.

Sixteen. A young age to fall in love.

It was the middle of June and nearing the end of the exam period. His final exam was History. On Germany and Civil Rights in America to be precise. History was Harry's' favourite subject. It involved writing and including a lot of detail which is something he is a natural at. He could ramble on for days on end about how the role of women changed in Nazi Germany between 1933-45. Obviously, he doesn't tell anyone this, and doesn't dare to either. Maybe if he had a social life or a support group of friends he wouldn't be stuck in his own little shell, struggling to be himself without being judged by the harsh whip of society. This is why he focused on nothing but his studies.




To say the least, he didn't have a good life at home. His dad fucked off when he was 9. The only thing good about that man was his money, Harry thought on a daily basis. He left Harry a decent amount for him to gather his stuff and move to a completely different place, away from here, away from everything. And that's exactly what he's planning to do. Get out of his mothers hair, and get the hell away from home. He often thinks to himself that sixteen is a young age, but then he remembers that his mum moved out when she just turned sixteen. Well, he says moved out, more like kicked out to never see her parents again. She's done well for herself though, got herself a two bedroomed flat, ten minutes away from the nearest train station and school. Obviously having Harry wasn't on the agenda but, shit happens, as she always says.

10:53 am

The examination starts at 11:00 am and Harry is cramming in some extra revision. They are all cooped up in the bistro area just by the hall. Soon the exam invigilator will make her way up here to see the students to the hall.

This is it, the last exam until he can fuck off out of here. No one knows his plans, no one knows where he is going after this. No one really cares if Harry is being brutally honest to himself. Not one person has a fucking clue that Harry is richer than their mothers and fathers incomes combined.

Luckily, Harry has found a nice flat somewhere in Brighton. He went there when he was a little kid, and has fond memories of that place. Sensations of the sun hitting his skin, the bitter smell of cheap ice cream mixed in with the scent of sea salt comes flooding back to him. Happy. That's what he feels when he thinks of that place. Happiness.

Harry is snapped out of his thoughts by the sound of the exam invigilators heels hitting the floor with every step she takes, no hesitations whatsoever to flaunt her bum out to the male students whilst swaying her hips left to right. This pissed Harry off to say the least, especially when she thought it looked attractive.

That's what Harry hates about the female species. The majority of them are the same in his school, even the teachers. No variation whatsoever. Most acted stupid, with their high pitched voice and bleach blonde hair. Strangely, this actually worked and some actually gained boyfriends from this.

Harry sighed to himself and placed his revision book into his bag, switching his phone off and hiding it inside his blazer pocket. It was regulations for students to leave their bags outside the Hall whilst in an examination, so he left it just by the table he was sitting at and began to follow the direction of the woman's voice.

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