Chapter Two

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1 Week Later

Everything was packed up and ready to go. All Harry's room was just empty. When you spoke, your voice echoed since it was just filled with nothingness. Harry looks around the room, knowing that he's leaving some good memories behind. He walks to his window and traces the pencil drawn tiny smiley face he drew when he was 9. He smiles to himself as he remembers the context of why he did that.

Harry scans the room for anymore things that he's made with some sentimental value. He remembers when he laid in bed and picked the wallpaper off the wall. No one noticed, not a soul went into that room apart from Harry. The stain on his mucky white carpet with mud that just hasn't disappeared. The pencil marks on the wall, of his height over the past six years, which he always remembered to do on the same day every year. Only because it was his birthday, he supposes.

This room has more bad than good vibes from it though. The times when he got locked in here, all for spilling a drink on the dining table. The times when his mother went ballistic at him just because she felt like it. The times when Harry's father nearly beat him, but stopped himself just for his sake.

Harry just wants out of here. He hates it. Absolutely despises the place. If it wasn't for his parents taking him to Brighton he probably wouldn't be leaving. He wouldn't know that he belongs there, he wouldn't have known a thing.

Whilst he's thought all of this, he snaps straight out of his thoughts and realises he's sat in the middle of the room, cross legged and arms behind him, supporting his position. The removal van is due to leave any minute now, so he best get going. After weeks of persuading, Anne, Harry's mother will be taking him to Brighton. Of course Harry is only sixteen and he's not legal to drive in England.

"Ey miss, we're ready to go now love" Harry hears the removal van man speak, not the first he's heard, he's been talking non stop for two hours. "We'll be five minutes, I'll just go get him" Anne replies. Harry hears the bounding of her walking up the stairs. He pushes himself up off the floor and makes his way to the door.

"I'm already coming" Harry speaks as he opens the door before his mum makes it to his old room. Anne abruptly stops on the stairs. "Oh, okay" They had overly maintained eye contact before she spoke again. "Just, um, have you got everything?" Harry nodded, smiling only very slightly, whilst closing his bedroom door. Anne nods and turns round to go back down the stairs.

Harry takes in everything from the smell of the house to the dents in the walls. He doesn't have to see this again, and he's more happy than sad over that thought.


Arriving at his new flat couldn't come any sooner. They arrived there, and everything was in its place, just a few odd boxes here and there for Harry to sort out when he gets the time. The flat is perfect for Harry, one small bedroom with a double bed. A kitchen with all the essentials included..a dishwasher, washing machine, dryer and everything else to keep the place running.

Anne left a couple of hours ago. So Harry was sat on his black leather sofa, with a bowl of super noodles and his laptop scrolling through the usual social media websites. He thinks to himself if his mum really cares about Harry. All she said when she left was "take care of yourself" and closed the door. To him, he doesn't care. He's finally himself. He has everything he ever wanted right here. He starts college in five weeks time, and things couldn't be better.

Harry knew he needed a job, to add to the income his Father gives him so he can spend some on himself. So he starts to search for some part time work. There is no point though, as he hasn't received his grades for his GCSE's he decides against it. That reminds him that he has to go back on the 21st of August to get his results and he just cannot face it. He actually kind of misses the fact he won't be at that school anymore, and going back will just remind him of the handful of good times he's had at that place. But it had to be done, so he decided that that would be the one and only time he would go back home, to get his results. The money his father is giving him is enough to keep the flat and himself running for a few months, he can find a job near Christmas time.

He needs to get everything sorted, like getting a new phone and setting up a contract. He almost decides against it as he won't be in contact with anyone. But then, he thinks that what if he meets someone? So he then changes his mind and makes a mental note to set a new one up.

Harry shuts his laptop over, picks his empty bowl that was once filled with noodles and finds himself stretching, his arms above his head, cracking his back and elbows. This made him drop his fork on the floor. "Fuck sake" Harry exclaims, he picks up the fork and takes his dishes to the sink.


It's the night after, when Harry is lying in bed, earphones in, dead to the world, then he realises that will he even make friends? He never had any in school, well apart from one called Matty which didn't work out as well as it could have. It didn't end badly.. It's just Matty started gaining a lot of popularity and kind of left Harry. They just lost touch and never spoke after seven months of being decent mates.

College is a new start for Harry, so he is bound to make friends. He wakes up the next morning, deciding to take a walk around his new home town. He vaguely knows his way round so it shouldn't be too strenuous, he wouldn't get lost or anything. He heaves himself out of bed and makes himself a bowl of cereal. He sighs to himself and rubs his eyes as he sits on the couch after putting the bowl on the table. The remote was on the table so he grabs that and switches the TV on. "Why is there never anything good on TV anymore" Harry says out loud. "Ha, I could get used to this, just speaking to myself, you know, mmmf" Harry chuckles to himself. He only comes out of his shell when he's on his own. No one really knows what Harry is like and he's keen to keep it like that. He likes to think he's mysterious, which isn't the case at all. People don't take him for that, they just think he's lonely and has no friends.

He gets up off the couch and goes to get showered and dressed. The water is cold on his tanned skin, as it heats up he feels a warmth down below. He decides to ignore this as he just wants to get out and about. But, he cannot bring himself to leave this problem he has. "Fuck it" Harry exclaims and starts to pump up and down his half erect length. He's harder now, and he's panting, his top set of teeth are digging into his bottom lip, his tongue exploring the top of his mouth. He begins to stroke faster, harder. That's the thing with Harry and his sexual fantasies, he always imagines the girl starting off slow and gradually getting faster. It gets him off a lot quicker. He's pumping at a constant speed now, slightly bending down as his knees and thighs begin to shake. He has nothing to hold onto, the wall obviously not helping at all, so he just puts his free hand and puts all of his weight on that.

After a few minutes, he's getting extremely close. " I-I fuck" his eyes squint shut, causing crinkles to form around his eyes and his teeth scraping into his bottom lip. He releases onto the shower wall. Harry gets the shower head and rinses the cum off the wall. Harry regains his breath and carries on his shower routine.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2014 ⏰

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