†Chapter Eight†:Monster

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Ozwald sat in the middle of the room, playing with his cards. He stared aimlessly at the wall that was scribbled and carved on, covered in news paper articles like the floor was. His room was a mess of those papers, blood stains, and a few flipped over furniture. All he really had was a mattress in the corner of the room, a desk, a dresser that was flipped over, and a broken lamp. He had found this place when he ran away from home, it was one of his many secret hide outs, just the main one. Valiclan didn't know about this one, no one did and that's how it would stay. It was the one place where Ozwald could get some alone time. What was so good about being alone anyways? He was alone his whole life, it's weird really but he still liked to keep to himself when he thought about things.

By thought about, meaning it was just a place for him to have a silent mental breakdown in peace. Ozwald had stopped with the screaming fits, and destroying everything in his path a while go. Instead he would sit in silence and stare at nothing while the haunting memories played in his head. He would just go sleep and forget about it all like a normal person, but sleep was no better. Nothing made it better completely, only no sleep would help him control what went on. 

His fingers twitched and cut themselves on his cards. The clock sang it's midnight tune making him stand up, knocking the stool over. Ozwald walked over to the bathroom and slammed the door shut behind him.

He leaned against his hands that were resting on the edge of the rusted sink. Blood from his fingers dripped down the sides of the sink and down the drain, Ozwald watched as it did so. After a few moments of drifting off to memory lane, he turned on the water and washed his hands.

Everything went quiet again once the water had been shut off. All that was heard was the dripping of the water in the tub. It had been a while since he had a bath, being who he was, it was only natural that he didn't bother to think of these things. No sleep, no baths, no combing his hair, and even sometimes he forgot to feed himself. Obviously he had other things on his mind besides that.

Slowly he dragged himself over to the bathtub and turned it on. As it filled up he began to strip from his clothing. Though he stopped when he opened up his shirt. Scars covered his torso, little light ones and then one big one on his lower right abdomen, which he tried not to pay attention to. Pulling his shirt off further, exposing his arms with the same scar covered skin, he took special notice in his wrist. All the other scars came from his cards, but those, those were special scars. He remembered how he got them all very too well. It made him chuckled.

Once he was all undressed, Ozwald sat down in the tub filled with musky water and laid back. The tub had filled almost to the very top, so when he laid down it would cover him completely. Ozwald just floated there for a while, staring at the ceiling. It was still quiet, the sound of the water dripping into the tub seemed to match the rhythm of the clock that ticked. Strangely he heard the sound of midnight once more when he closed his eyes and went under water completely.

It didn't even feel like a few minutes before he started feeling the lack of oxygen get to him. Ozwald tried to come back up to the surface, but something was holding him under water. He squirmed and twisted around trying to break free until finally he was allow to come back up.

Gasping for air and choking out water, he rubbed his hands over his face and got out. Something was different though, he wasn't at his normal hideout. Instead he was back home in a very familiar flashback.


Ozzie wrapped a towel around his waist and walked into his mess of a room. He sat down at his desk in the middle of the room that was stained with dried up blood. It was covered in rusty tools and kitchen knifes, empty spools of thread, and a needle. Then on one side of the desk was his makeup and a mirror.

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