Chapter 1- Marriage?

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We don't own any characters and/or places. This is Historical fiction! So please don't say anything about, "This never happened." Once again we state, THIS IS A FICTION STORY! Please do not copy our work for that is in fact a crime. Anyway, happy reading!

King John's POV

I shouldn't have done this but I had to. There was nothing I could have done but this. She will hate me, I know she will but she is the only one that can save us from the attacks. All the others are gone, having a happily married life with their children. She is the only one left. This is why I must leave this to Eleanor. Eleanor is our only hope. I am putting all my trust into my reckless sixteen year old daughter. If she does not go through with this, it will all be over. My kingdom will be in ruins..hopefully that wont be the case.

Eleanor's POV

Today was like any other day; piano lessons, art classes, horse riding, lunch with my mother, hanging out with pathetic girl I'm forced to join for a "snack". Nothing exciting ever happens in this kingdom. I can't even go past the castle doors anymore. It was like my parents wanted me to slowly die from lack of activeness.

It was absolutely boring in this bombshell of a kingdom and I just wanted to leave! But no. My parents always say, "you can't leave the kingdom, you're a princess with duties." Or "A princess's life is boring at first, but then even if you're stuck in the kingdom, it will become an outstanding experience." But then I laugh. The only reason they don't want me to leave the kingdom is because of the attacks. But with hell to the attacks! The walls of this castle are slowly suffocating me. It wouldn't be a mystery if I end up collapsing due to lack of oxygen!

I mean, I'm sixteen! The least my father could do is let me go on a walk through the town! It's been years since the last time I've seen the sky other than the use of the window of my bedroom.

I sighed. All I did in the end was slowly walk through the castles halls, getting many greeting of my servants. "Bonjour princesse," one servant said as she scurried along to her duties. You can hear my heels hitting the wooden floor as I walked to the grand dining room where my parents were currently chatting away.

"oh, Eleanor! s'asseoir, s'asseoir! comment était ta journée ma fille? (Oh Eleanor! Sit! Sit! How was your day today my daughter?)" my father asked with a dazzling smile on his face. He wanted something I could tell. (AN: They can speak English too. You may now keep reading)

"C'était le même père, (it was the same father) now what do you need?" I questioned, curiosity dripping down my tongue. It wasn't always that my father needed a favor from me. Of course he was the king and I was measly a princess.

He smiled in anxiety. Something was definitely wrong and he was going to put that weight on me. "Um, well," he was struggling to form a comprehensive sentence. I narrowed my eyes at him which caused him to clear his throat. My mother awkwardly fiddled with her fingers. "Well I-um your mother and I have decided that..."


"Nousavonsarrangéunmariagepourvousenraisondesattaques." He spoke rapidly in French, not letting me comprehend his words that seemed to fly out his mouth. He sighed, upset. "Nous avons arrangé un mariage pour vous en raison des attaques. (We have arranged a marriage for you because of the attacks.)"

I stood there, utterly dumbfounded. Soon everything came to me and I yelled, "What? Why would you do this to me father? Je vous déteste!"

"Eleanor wait!" I heard him yell for me. I hurried off to my bedroom and cried. I felt like I have lost thousands of tears for no tears came out after a while. I laid there in my bed, staring at the pale red wall and whimpered. How could he do this to me? Handing me off to a stranger for protection? Putting all this weight on my weak shoulders?

I am just a princess. The only thing I must worry about is if I look good for a ball! Not this! Deaths, sorrow, worry will be stacked onto my hands like heavy bricks! But then I thought about France. What would happen if I did not go through this? Will we fall fall to ruins like Rome once did? I could not let that happen. I will get married, even if it kills me.

But wait.

Who am I getting married to?


Sorry it's short, this is just the first chapter. It will get longer as we go into the story.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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