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The sun started to set filling the sky with hues of blue and pink. Nightfall walked towards the exit of the base wanting to get some fresh air. Oh how wonderful the day was. First, she finds out that there was a spy in the base, second, she now knows that Silas is still on the lookout for her, and third, Optimus have spoken with Bee and Jazz about the incident earlier. Now she was waiting for her turn.

While walking, she noticed that a few soldiers were talking about her. Of course they would, after that little stunt she pulled of 'not being an Autobot and won't hesitate to kill you' crap she would be afraid of herself if she were in their shoes. The Prime manage to make it to the entrance of the base without harming anyone out of annoyance, she transformed into her cyberwolf form and sat down facing towards from the base. The colors the filled the sky soothed Nightfall, it calmed whatever anger she had, in other words, it called down her roommate in her head Viktor.

Nightfall rested her head on her paws, she tuned out the noises of guns being shot and orders being yelled out. She closed her eyes and gave in into the comfort of darkness, she let the smell of the earth swarm around her. That was until she felt a small weight against her torso. She opened her eyes and picked up her head to see a young male lying on her, his armor covered his whole body, his helmet still attached covering his face, but Nightfall knew well enough who it was because of his scent.

"So I see you've took to new job opening of the guard dog of the base." Andrew said, he chuckled and moved around a bit to get a more comfortable spot against the huge metal wolf. "What can I say, I do scare off people quit easily don't I" the Prime answered back. She rested her head near Andrew and look towards the base. She saw a few soldiers gathering in front while watching them.

"I see you've gathered a crowd Andrew. Tell me, what are they looking at that interest them?" She asked. Andrew took off his helmet and looked towards the crowd. "Oh them? They are jus baffled that you haven't eaten me or ripped me apart." He laughed, Nightfall just vented. "They are just surprised that you know, that you haven't hurt me and that you're allowing me to lay against you." He finished, he rubbed the side of his jaw and then closed his eyes.

"Funny how they judge without even knowing who I actually am. But what do I care, as long as I have a brat like you by my side, I'm ok." Nightfall laughed. Andrew sat up from lying down and reached behind him and grabbed a USB from his armor. "Here, there's some music in this drive of you want it, I mean I know I like to fight with some epic music going on. Do you want me to download it on your memory? I can also add some hidden speakers on your frame if ya' want, but I'm gonna have to console it so I'm going to have to measure you which means that you need to come into the lab for a bit." He offered.

Nightfall cringed at the word 'lab', it reminded her about the incident, but she was able to cover it up. She laughed at the excitement that came out of Andrew while he asked away. "Alright, but I better get some high tech water proof speakers." She said. She got up and followed Andrew back into the base. She was followed by gazes of other soldiers who wondered how a soldier and a Cybertronian became so attached.

The wolf followed the soldier right behind his heels before Nightfall heard the one person she was trying to avoid call out to her. Optimus stood behind the two while other new recruits stared at the tall legendary Mech.

"Hey Andrew, go and work something out for he speakers. I'm going to go with Prime for a bit." Nightfall said. Andrew sighed and placed his hand on the side of her muzzle, "don't do anything stupid without me." He said. The two smiled and Andrew left to his lab, which left the metallic wolf alone with the Prime and the gazes of amazed new soldiers.

"I was wondering when you would come and find me. Took you long enough." Nightfall said under her breath, she transformed into her Cybertronian form and looked at Optimus. "Yes Prime?" She asked, she placed her servos on her hip plates. "Follow me please." He said, he turned and walked towards a meeting room. Nightfall vented and followed the tall Mech into the room.

Live Like Legends (Transformers x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now