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Just a heads up, some songs will be used in this book and I don't own any of them! They belong to the artist in every way!

  The wind brushed against Nightfalls sharp edged frame. Her new jet black paint job armor shined with the help of the full moon.

  She stayed still in her cyber wolf form, her white slick optics stared at the human in front of her. She hid on top of a cliff while watching her prey from above. Alone, lost in the dark mountains, helpless she thought.

  The robotic wolf inched forward stealthily, making sure not to alert her target. As she got ready to pounce, the sound of tires screeching the rocky floor disturbed Nightfall's hunt.

Before she could catch her now fleeing prey, a black and yellow car drove up and transformed all while snatching the human in its digits.

The wolf let out a growl and transformed, her armor was sharp in every edge, it was the color of darkness with a few crimson red highlights, her optics glowing a yellow hue in her cybertronian form.

The other yellow and black sports car laughed, as well as the human who stood on its shoulder.

'Guess who's back! Back again!' Bumblebee sang. Nightfall rolled her optics and crossed her arms. "I let you win Bee, since you are just to damn adorable to loose." Nightfall admitted.

  Bumblebee shrugged and buzzed a happy tune. Nightfall walked over to Andrew who stood still on Bee's shoulder. "Come on Andrew, want to play another round of who catches the human first?" She asked smiling.

  Andrew was about to answer when a familiar sliver car drove up to the two Cybertronians and Andrew.

  "Yo weaklings, Prime wants you all to get the the base asap." Jazz said, he looked up at Nightfall and smiled. "And beautiful primes of course, I meant weaklings and one beautiful Prime." He stuttered, "and may I say how wonderful your new frame and paint job is!" Jazz finished.

Ever since Nightfall was captured by Silas, she has been experimented on. They broke her physically and mentally. They have changed her appearance drastically to the point where she didn't look like herself anymore. But when she escaped, she went back to the autobot base and with the help of all the Autobots, they were able to fix and shape her new frame. She isn't able to transform into a vehicle just yet because of her injuries but her cyber wolf form is in good shape.

  'You understand that I have a plan for us, I bet you didn't know that I was dangerous' Bee sang to Jazz. He stomped up to Jazz but was quickly stopped by a hand on his chest plates.

  "Don't sweat it Bee, the two of you are to adorable to fight each other," Nightfall turned to Jazz and ginned, "and you're damn right that I'm beautiful." She flicked Jazz's temple and transformed into her cyber wolf form.

  "You two adorable cars should get a move on, Prime does want us at the base asap am I right?" She said, she then ran off into the rocky Arizona mountains, getting lost in the black colored sky.

  "Just so you know little Bee, she totally digs me." Jazz stated, "I don't blame her, who wouldn't want some of this." Jazz traced his frame and chuckled.

  He turned to Bee who had vented and rolled his optics, he then buzzed as if he was annoyed. "Whoa Bee I was just joking!" Jazz admitted, that was when he figured out something.

  "Oh, you like the Prime don't you." Jazz said slyly. Bee buzzed in surprise and waved his hands franticly in front of Jazz's face plates.

  "Oh really? Then why did you just freak out?" Jazz said. 'I'm not freaking out!' Bee sang, his vents heating up.

  "Don't worry Bee, I'll keep this between you, me, and this little human that you and Nightfall seem to care so much about." Jazz said quickly transforming into his v-mode and drove off.

  Bumblebee turned over to his shoulder and looked at Andrew, he had forgotten that he was still here. Bee's vents heated once again. 'I can't fight this feeling, I'm out of control, I got to get back to the life that I know!' Bee sang to Andrew.

  "Hey Bee don't sweat it big guy, everyone develops feelings for someone else so don't take this to hard alright!" Andrew cheered, his gleaming face warmed up Bee and he let out a small chirping sound.

  With that small talk, Bee transformed into his V-mode with Andrew in the passenger seat and drove off to the Autobot base in the night.


  Alright femmes and mechs, I have completed chapter one! It is short compared to what I usually write but I've been on the road for a while so yup. Tell me what you guys think about is so far and also tell me what you all would like to see in the next chapters!

Till then,

Later my fellow Cybertronians

Live Like Legends (Transformers x Reader) Book 2Where stories live. Discover now