The Letter

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(Pinkie's pov)
It all started out as just a simple and harmless prank. At least that's what I told myself. Every week once or twice a week I would go by Twilight's house and drop off a letter way before she was up and the mail came. A hour later the mail would be delivered, Twilight would make her coffee, and sit down to read her paper and mail. She would see the letter and set it aside to read last. I know all if this because I watched every morning. She's just so beautiful, I can't help myself. After she goes through the rest of her mail she would go upstairs to her room and lock the door behind her. I never knew what happened behind that door though because she had the drapes in her room tightly shut. It was at a prank at first, I would send letters up to the one that's supposed to reveal but then mysteriously disappear. But, I can't help it. I had to keep sending them. I couldn't reveal just yet and I  couldn't just stop sending them. The letters they made me think more and more about Twilight and the more I started to like her. Now I think I am in love with her. No I know I am in love with her. I am ready to reveal a time and place to meet. I write the letter. Then I go to bed my mind finally at ease.

~~Time skip to the next morning~~

(Twilight's pov)
I wake up and do my morning routine which includes checking my mail. I get my mail and go to my kitchen to flip through it while my coffee is brewing. There is one piece of mail that catches my eye. Another letter, I think. I have noticed a pattern with these letters that have started coming here for the past month or so. They are delivered every Tuesday and Saturday. They all say the same thing basically. Just in different ways. The first one was a big surprise to me. Then I started to get used to them coming. I actually enjoy them now and can't wait for their arrival. I go to my room, shut, and lock the door behind me. I make sure my  drapes are closed and start to reread the first letter out loud to myself because it is my favorite one.
Dear Twilight Sparkle,
To me you are the light of the sun. You guide me every step of the way. You are always there when I need you. I have always liked you Twilight. Ever since the first day that we  met. I have feelings for you Twilight. I love you. I would tell you in person but I don't think I am ready to face you yet about them. I am also afraid of what the others would think. So for now I will write you these letters. I will reveal my name and a time and place to meet when I am ready. For now I hope that you like me back or that if you don't that this will not ruin our friendship. I will send another letter soon.
With lots of love towards you,
Your Secret Admirer.
It was short and sweet but it still said alot. I am nervous to open this newest letter because this is the letter that's supposed to reveal everything. I take a deep breath and open the newest letter. All it says is to be at the bench underneath the Willow tree in central park at four. It is signed not by your secret admirer, but as the letter P.

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