Darkness (Luffy X Reader) -AU- Lemon

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Contains Self-Harm, Verbal Abuse, and of course nudity. Readers discretion is advised. (Side Note: One Piece Characters may be out of Character)

During one of your midsummer girl dates – shopping, eating at 5 star restaurants, spending time at the beach – today the girls and yourself were out shopping. Robin, as well as yourself really wanted to go to the book store. Giving in a bit too easily everyone headed toward to book store. As you suspected Nami was up to something, that had to do with lady luck, which she seemed to favor you. There was a rather large raffle taking place two shops away from your destination, so of course Nami being nothing short of herself, insisted you partake. There were a few grand prizes, a 7-day trip for 4, shopping spree with included dinner and spa package, as well as a few 'boorish prizes' as Nami put it.

Regardless of whether you wished to participate your name was entered along with Robin's and Nami's by none other than the money-hound herself. No surprise to her you managed to win the only 7-day trip for 4 while Robin got one of the 5 shoppers specials. Nami however got a coupon for 50% at the book store, causing both Robin and yourself to snicker.

Brushing it off Nami was excited to participate in our prizes, but when the day grew closer for the trip she suddenly changed her mind. Leaving you utterly flabbergasted and annoyed. Growling in frustration, you now had two tickets to deal with. Even though Robin had an archeology thing she would be able to make it by day 3 at the latest. Running out of ideas and about to give up Luffy's name popped into your head. Figuring it would be an automatic no due to short notice and he said something about family stuff, but you would never know until you asked.

Surprisingly he said yes, well more like Ace and Sabo said it for him. After explaining what happened, he suggesting Franky. Both him and Ussop were going to a convention of some sorts that week, but they'd would meet up with everyone. Apologizing for not being more help you assured him one ticket was no big deal. The only thing you both had to do was pack, having only a week before your trip. The boys promised they'd get him packed 'as fast as possible', laughing you thanked them before hanging up.

Few days later the boys called to let you know they had gotten home safely. Happy to hear their brother trip went well. Rolling your eyes as that familiar feeling that Luffy actually had nothing done. Bringing it up, waiting a few seconds before getting an answer, it was a definite no. Snorting you told him to get a move on only two days before departure.

It was rather funny to run into Ussop at the airport and even funnier to find out he was on the same plane. Once boarded and settled in you noticed Luffy and Ussop somehow managed to get placed together and were few rows behind you, leaving you to sit next to a complete stranger. Bored and extremely tired from lack of sleep you didn't even bother to turn on your music.

Waking the sleepy fog slowly cleared, the moment it did you suddenly remembered where you were. The realization that you fell asleep on the strangers shoulder. Nervously you looked up to see Luffy out cold. Sighing in relief you sat up looking to where Ussop was. Getting his attention you glanced at Luffy then cocked a brow. Understanding you he shrugged and looked over at the guy that originally sat next to you. Sympathizing with him you mouthed an apology before turning back around laying your head back down on Luffy's shoulder. Glancing up at him then to the boring seats in front of you debating on whether you get up and go or wait.

"What?" startled you practically jumped out of your seat.

His body shook as he begun to laugh, his eyes were shut and that damn grin of his plastered on his face. Narrowing your eyes just as his opened seeing you very upset about getting scared. Getting to your feet you started to make your way to the isle when he grabbed your wrist.

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