Chapter 13

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Kouyou slammed open his quarter's door when utter chaos washed over his dear Hellion.

When he walked out, he saw the ship broken in half and already sinking "what in the seas is happening??" he shouted angrily, his eyes darting from his men trying to lower the sloops into the ocean to escape the imminent disaster.

Takashima growled at them to not leave the ship, but afterall they weren't loyal to him, but to his money and since the Hellion was a dead duck by now... well, he couldn't pay them no more.

Then, Kouyou saw them: three sea creatures coming out of the waves like the horsemen of doom and there, his lips grinned widely.

He could still snatch his prizes afterall, make a newer and better Hellion.

Quick on his feet, Takashima jumped on the already sinking side of the ship, running nimbly towards the door of the hold, swinging it open.

Water was pooling in and its prisoners were trying to survive the gushes of water that were pouring inside.

The Captain jumped into the water, finding with his cold iron-like gaze both Reita and his Right Hand, clutching at one of the chains attached to the wooden wall.

Perfect! It would all go along the plans, even if it will cost his dear galleon.

Without giving him a chance, Kouyou took Kai off-guard, taking his forehead and slamming his nape into the wall with all his might: he was lucky the man got his hands full, helping Reita float since he was in a semi-catatonic state.

Still alive tho, impressive...!

Takashima took then Reita by the collar, dragging him to the front half of the ship, what was slowly sinking down, tilting slowly its nose to the sky "HEY!" Kouyou yelled at the three creatures.

He saw the look the black-haired one gave to him and Kouyou felt a deep shiver down his spine, not of fear, but of thrill.

He hoisted up Reita's limp figure to everyone of them to see "I have something yours, perhaps?" he shouted then, seeing those azure, glowy eyes lock on Reita as soon as he lifted him "Come and get him, if you can!" added.

Then, he felt something buzz right past his left ear, making his brunette hair stand up on his nape: a single ray of light just scraped him, hitting the railings behind him.

A warning shot?

Ohohohoh! Pretty Blue boy has spice in his blood!

Takashima felt a rush of adrenaline invade his body, while walking towards the figurehead of the Hellion, hauling Reita on his shoulder.

So much time has passed from the last time he felt the quiver of the hunt shake him so much: that merman was so angry at him, of course, but wrath makes men clumsy and hasty and as long as Kouyou could use his legs, he had the vantage of walking and jumping.

A mermaid out of water was as deadly as a limbless body.

Takashima run to the nose of the Hellion and there, he roped Reita to the railing, tightening the knots so he couldn't escape...the best bait he could hope to find.

Looking back, then, Takashima saw the blue merman swim towards the sinking ship, dipping down then jumping out of the water to land on the inclined deck "unhand him" he growled, arched shoulders like an aggressive dog.

His face was stone cold and his right hand was trembling slightly while gripping the trident, all of his figure completely crossed by sparks of blue light.

Takashima laughed, an insane laugh that made Aoi's stomach twist and turn "unhand him..." he mocked him "how careful of you, to ask this after cutting my ship to pieces!" Kouyou said with a cheerful tone, grabbing the hilt of his rapier to swing it a couple of times, caressing the blade "what's so special about this miserable wretch?".

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