3035: The Last Stand

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    The day Aukai died was the spark of rebellion.

He spoke for the traitors, wishing for peace. He spoke for us. Almost a thousand years have passed since all was right in the world. Peace, happiness,

seldom grief, or despair. Until they destroyed it.  They came in,

weapons ready, destroying everything in their path. But we weren't

ready. My mother told me this before she died. She told me how a

former country of this world, attempted to claim earth, starting a war

that lasted longer than imaginable. My father was recruited against his

will, giving his life for a man, the only man he knew, liked, and

understood. A good man, I'm told. I've met him, and frankly, I can't see

anything special about him. He's rude. Maybe the war changed him.

Who cares? All that matters is my survival, and of course my sisters.

Little Ky. Always making friends, whereas me, I like to be alone. I hate

outdoors. How could anyone like it? Scared to look out a window in fear of a snipers bullet. That's how I learned to shoot. Killing the annoying

people, being paid of course, was how I learned. I can also throw and

use a knife pretty well, I must say. Oh, my name. I forgot. Fawke. I was

supposed to be a boy. I'm the oldest twin. I know right. But nope, they

were wrong, so my brother got my expected name and I got my own.

My brother, you may guess, is Hawk. Perfect aim, not to brag. Hawk,

Fawke and Ky, for sky obviously. Just a happy little trio, who killed

more men then the three us us can count. Shame. Were hiding in a

middle bunker, damn "army". Awesome weapons of mass destruction.

Fun, eh? About a dozen others are with us too. Random people I don't

know. the rest are dead. Pity, we needed all the gun power. Were

waiting for the all clear signal. See, our little group may have blown up

a few buildings, killed a dozen or so, but really, they kind of deserve it.

They tried to take the world, like come on. Oh, right, Aukai. He was the

leader or the whole group, not just us. But we had the "privilege to

escort him to safety. A loud bang sounded from overhead. Again.

Anyway, so awhile back, Aukai called a conference to discuss a peace

treaty. Long story short, it became a gunfight, and he escaped, with a

minor wound. He now represents the rebels, and their struggle. Another bang. It sounded closer this time. I looked down and saw my

sister, sleeping. My brother was speaking to Aukai, and he seemed

angry, making frantic hand gestures. I just sat there, back against the

wall, guessing how many more missiles until they run out. My guess

was 2 or 3 more. I'm a good guesser, so I was probably right. Bang!

That's one. Give it a couple more minutes. Bang! One more, maybe?

Bang. We waited and waited. Nothing. We waited another half hour,

and we were given the all clear. I never stepped out first, but never last. Don't want to be nuked, or have the bunker collapse on you. I woke my

sister, and she stood up, and brushed off her clothes. I beckoned to

my brother, and he trudged over to us. He took my sisters hand we

stepped out in to the smoke filled outside. The street was deserted.

The remained of buildings stood standing, kind of. All of a sudden, we heard gunfire. We looked at each other, ran to Aukai, took his arm and

broke into a sprint. It wasn't long until we heard gunfire behind us. I

looked back and saw seven armed men chasing after us. One tried to

aim, but lost his grip and fell over. Another threw a knife but fell several meters short of us. We saw a safe building and turned toward it. We

knew it was safe because there was a blue campfire flare outside. We

dashed forward and in to the reenforced house, me slamming the door after everyone was through, in the men's faces. I slumped against the

wall like everyone else. We heard the men curse and open fire at the

door. They tried for several minutes, all to no avail. We were sitting

smugly for a while, until we heard the worst thing possible. A radio

transmission and the creak of something turning.

"Get into the basement, now! Hurry go! I called frantically.

That was enough for Hawk. He took Aukai and my sisters arm and

rushed down the basement trapdoor. I started forward and then heard the worst thing. The sound of something big, firing.

Were screwed.

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