So, safety turns out to be a huge office building Aukai runs his operations in. Of course, we didn't know where this was, so he got to direct us the whole way there. When the building was in sight, he seemed to look happier. Good for him. We pulled up to the giant wall with two armed guards approaching our car. They went over to the drivers side, and Hawke, who was obviously driving opened his window.
"State your business." One of the guards said. The other backed up to make a radio call.
"Ask my passenger." Hawke said. "He knows more than me."
The guard walked slowly around to Aukai's window, as my brother opened. The guard looked at Aukai, opened his mouth, closed it again, blinked his eyes furiously, then stepped back and spoke into his radio.
"General Nixon. Code Green. Repeat. Code Green. Aukai is back."
He turned to us and opened Aukai's door. He stepped out and the guard closed it after him. They started to walk away.
"Oh, right" Aukai turned back and went back to our car. "My bag". He took his bag and sauntered back to the guard.
"Thanks" I muttered as I climbed out of the car. We jogged to catch up with Aukai, with our bags on our shoulders. We just caught up as Aukai was lead through a secret entrance. I noted that for future reference. Yes, even I can say smart things from time to time. We finally arrived at a little office. The guard, Ethan, went over to the desk and pulled on the only blue pen in the little pen bucket. But it didn't come out all the way. It popped in to place, and the ground started to shake. Then, slowly but surely, the floor started to slide soundlessly downwards. It was scary but cool to see the windows and doors all slide away as you travel who knows how far down. A few minutes later we stopped, and Ethan opened the door. I was stunned. It was a beautiful sight. The whole room was a top secret operations center. Thee were screens with live video of cities and soldiers, and security camera feeds, and in the center, a huge simulated, holographic motion sense, heat signature map of the whole country. And in control of it all was what appeared to be the general. He walked over to us and my eyes light up. He looked about 19, with clipped, military like brown hair, with light blue eyes, they were almost grey. He looks straight at Aukai, saluted, then glanced at my sister, my brother, then finally at me. He looked me right in the eye and the whole world stopped. He looked back at Aukai and I shook my head, almost to clear it.
"Welcome back sir. Let me bring you up to speed. General Tyson was killed up in sector three in an ambush. Doing so he saved some of our top troops. He put me in charge so hear I am. We had a slight problem in sector 9. I personally ran this one. A group of about twelve were attempting to make it to some large house. We dropped most of them, but four made it inside. We sent a F-22 out and we hit the house, but there were no bodies. We found the trapdoor they used, but it was locked. We finally blasted the door, but there was no one inside. We searched the room and fond some preserves, but no exit. But we looks under the stove, and saw a trapdoor which we followed to a-" I marched up to him and slapped him as hard as I could. He pushed me back, but I did a backwards somersault, and pulled out my gun. I pointed it right at him. He fell back, and I was proud of myself. Never piss off a woman, I thought. Immediately guards took out their guns, but I pointed mine at his head.
"Stay back" I warned them. "That group, was Aukai's personal guard party, charged in protecting him, which you were trying to kill, the one we were a part of. I think that was deserved. We all know it, but I'm the only one with enough balls to do something to prove our point!"
He was lying on the ground. He held his arms up.
"Ok, ok, I'm sorry. We didn't know. We thought you were an opposing force. We wouldn't have tried to kill you if we knew it was you. I'm sorry." He held his arm up protectively. I lowered my gun and shot at him so it hit the space between his leg and his chest so it ricocheted away from him. He jumped back, and looked at me. I put my gun in its holster.
"You didn't search them, did you?" Nixon said.
"No sir, sorry sir." Ethan said. " Shall I now?''
"Knock yourself out." Nixon said and turned away from me. Two guards rushed up to join him.
"Ooh, scary." I said.
My brother pulled his gun and throwing knives out and handed them to the guards. My sister and Aukai pulled out there knives and hands them to the guards. My turn. I pulled out my gun and handed it to him. I also gave him my knives, all six of them, sheathed secretly on my legs. I stepped back. Everyone looked at me. "Fine!" I gave them two more guns, four more knives and a list of my weapons in the car. I handed it all to them. "Oh, don't forget to look for my sniper and... well you'll see when you get there. They looked warily at me, and I sneered at them. They turned and exited the room. Nixon had a nice red patch on his face from where I hit him. I smiled to myself. It was a pretty good hit. He glared at me than turned back to the holograph.
"Anyway, as I was saying we found a tunnel and found a dead soldier, with multiple stab wounds." He looked at me as he said this. " We continued on, and his car was missing. Long story short, your here and safe." He sighed. "No thanks to us, I guess. Anyway, we have a problem. We got a force of 150 tied down in sector 2, and a scout group says the have nukes. We would send a lightning strike, but... well, the results would be devastating to the sector, and our troops. Now, we would send it anyway, but Captain Denning is assisting them." He finished. He looked at Aukai. Aukai looked worried at that.
"Call a retreat." Aukai said, though it seemed hard for him to say. "Then we'll strike them. Make sure all survivors make it to the minimum safe distance. We can't loose the Captain."
I didn't know who the general was, but he must have been important, if the General was hesitant to strike the place with him in it. Maybe he had war plans. Eh, who cares. Not our problem. I looked at my sister, and she was having trouble keeping her eyes open. My brother had bags under his eyes. I was feeling kinda tired too. What am I saying? I was really tired. I cleared my throat.
"Excuse me? Yeah, hi. Anyway, I know we're not talking and all, but since we haven't had a decent sleep in weeks, and we protected him pretty good, so could we maybe possibly have a room to sleep in. Cause that be great." I looked at Aukai, then Nixon. Aukai shrugged.
"It's okay to me. They did protect me. I trust them." Aukai said. I looked at him, and my incredulity must have shown on face, because he shrugged again.
"Its true. I trust you with my life. They can have their own bedroom, with a mattress, no cot. And give them some food too. They're probably starved." He gestured at the guards. I waved to the general, and he glared at me. The guards came and escorted us to our room. I opened the door and stepped inside. My jaw just about hit the floor. The room was huge, luxurious and amazing. I gaped at the guards. My siblings stepped inside, and began to explore the absolutely incredible room. As the guards turned to leave, I caught one of their arms.
" Thank Aukai for me, will you? I asked. The guard nodded and bustled away. A few minuted later there was a knock on the door. My brother opened it, and it was four guards, one carrying pillows, two with mattresses and one had a food cart.
" We brought beds and food, courtesy of General Aukai." The guard said. They entered the room, and dropped the mattresses and wheeled the cart inside.
" Thank you." I said as they left. We set up our beds, and my sister opened up the cart. We could not believe our eyes. Inside lay three filet mignons, served with some potatoes, and behind them was a jug of cool milk, and a platter of cupcakes. We dug in, than lay on our mattresses. There were already blankets on inside, so we used those. Awhile later, I could hear my brothers snores, and my sister, next to me seemed to be asleep. I rolled over and closed my eyes. It was nice and warm and comfortable, facing the window. Then light infiltrated my eyelids, and I sat up. And that was when the explosions began.

3035: The Last Stand
Adventure3035: The year everything will change. All her life, Fawke's parents have told her she was something more. Something special. And for all her life, Fawke had no idea how or why. Her brother, Hawk, with perfect aim, always kind to those who deserve...