How I die

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The first thing I did was take my sisters hand. We knew what to do when there was an attack, so we were out the door in a few seconds. We power walked down the hallway to the command center, and found no one there. Absolutely no one. The monitors were still on, but it was deserted. I turned around and started jogging down the halls, dropping my sisters hand. A loud bang sounded down the hall above us. I stopped and ran the other way, the others following. More bangs sounded overhead, increasing in volume and urgency every time. We rounded a corner, and found a large metal door. A blast door. I pounded on it, and a face appeared. It was Aukai. He turned and seemed to shout something, and seemed to dislike the answer he got. He was shouting for a few minutes, andHe shook his head sadly, and walked away. He just walked away! Then it hit me. He was in a bunker, with blast doors, and we weren't. They forgot about us. I kicked the door.

"We need to go, now!" I said. I turned and ran down the hallway. More bangs. There had to be another door, or something. A loud bang sounded right above me, making my ears ring. I screamed and launched myself forward. I heard a hiss, and faintly heard a voice shouting for us to hurry. My brother and sister ran down the hall. I started forward, when a loud bang happened to my right, and cracks appeared on the ceiling, expanding fast. I stumble back, and looked up. The ceiling shook, and pieces started falling down faster and faster. I was just passing under the cracks when the ceiling collapsed, right on top of me. I fell down as the crushing weight fell on top of me. I heard my sister scream, and my brother stared toward me.

"Don't be stupid! Get inside, leave me!" I screamed. My sister ran forward, but my brother grabbed onto her waist, and carried her inside, with her screaming the whole time. I looked into his eyes, and they were pleading. I shook my head and he crossed inside the door, and it closed behind him, with a loud bang. I pushed against the timber and metal on top of me, but it wouldn't budge. I screamed in frustration. I pushed and pushed, but it was no use. Another bang sounded nearby, but I didn't care. I just had to get out from underneath the freaking wood. I lay back, exhausted, and looked at the sky peaking through above me. The sky was blue, and the flames, a brilliant red, and little hints of blue, looked beautiful against it. I only realized than that the ceiling on top of me was on fire. I coughed and gagged on the smoke. I was going to die. At least my family was safe, even if I wouldn't be. I lay there, staring at the sky, explosions all around me, my lungs burning from every breath, and I was falling. I didn't know why I felt like that, but it felt nice. I closed my eyes, and listened to the bangs of the explosives. My mind wandered, to everything I had done, and I hated it. I killed for money. Innocent lives gone, families destroyed, because someone had money and a grudge. I thought about my parents and how they died, how I watched and was helpless to do anything. I screamed, and had the gun turned on me, and how Hawke stood protectively in front of me. My brother, how he protected us, and when I hurt my ankle, and he carried me to my parents to fix me, a whole kilometer without stopping. When my sister was born, and how she loved me from the very beginning, and always took my side when Hawke and I had an argument. Everything I've done, good and bad, was always for someone else, never for me. And I never thought I'd die like this. I guess there was worse ways to go. I always thought it would be by bullets. Or an explosion near me. I always hoped I would die for my family, or someone else I cared about, but one thing I've learned is that dreams never come true. But, my family was safe, so it was okay. I relaxed, and rested my head on the cool ground. The weight seemed to fade away, as if it was lifted of of my body, and I liked that. At least it wouldn't hurt. And finally, smiling, I drifted into the darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2014 ⏰

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