The first thing I did was take my sisters hand. We knew what to do when there was an attack, so we were out the door in a few seconds. We power walked down the hallway to the command center, and found no one there. Absolutely no one. The monitors were still on, but it was deserted. I turned around and started jogging down the halls, dropping my sisters hand. A loud bang sounded down the hall above us. I stopped and ran the other way, the others following. More bangs sounded overhead, increasing in volume and urgency every time. We rounded a corner, and found a large metal door. A blast door. I pounded on it, and a face appeared. It was Aukai. He turned and seemed to shout something, and seemed to dislike the answer he got. He was shouting for a few minutes, andHe shook his head sadly, and walked away. He just walked away! Then it hit me. He was in a bunker, with blast doors, and we weren't. They forgot about us. I kicked the door.
"We need to go, now!" I said. I turned and ran down the hallway. More bangs. There had to be another door, or something. A loud bang sounded right above me, making my ears ring. I screamed and launched myself forward. I heard a hiss, and faintly heard a voice shouting for us to hurry. My brother and sister ran down the hall. I started forward, when a loud bang happened to my right, and cracks appeared on the ceiling, expanding fast. I stumble back, and looked up. The ceiling shook, and pieces started falling down faster and faster. I was just passing under the cracks when the ceiling collapsed, right on top of me. I fell down as the crushing weight fell on top of me. I heard my sister scream, and my brother stared toward me.
"Don't be stupid! Get inside, leave me!" I screamed. My sister ran forward, but my brother grabbed onto her waist, and carried her inside, with her screaming the whole time. I looked into his eyes, and they were pleading. I shook my head and he crossed inside the door, and it closed behind him, with a loud bang. I pushed against the timber and metal on top of me, but it wouldn't budge. I screamed in frustration. I pushed and pushed, but it was no use. Another bang sounded nearby, but I didn't care. I just had to get out from underneath the freaking wood. I lay back, exhausted, and looked at the sky peaking through above me. The sky was blue, and the flames, a brilliant red, and little hints of blue, looked beautiful against it. I only realized than that the ceiling on top of me was on fire. I coughed and gagged on the smoke. I was going to die. At least my family was safe, even if I wouldn't be. I lay there, staring at the sky, explosions all around me, my lungs burning from every breath, and I was falling. I didn't know why I felt like that, but it felt nice. I closed my eyes, and listened to the bangs of the explosives. My mind wandered, to everything I had done, and I hated it. I killed for money. Innocent lives gone, families destroyed, because someone had money and a grudge. I thought about my parents and how they died, how I watched and was helpless to do anything. I screamed, and had the gun turned on me, and how Hawke stood protectively in front of me. My brother, how he protected us, and when I hurt my ankle, and he carried me to my parents to fix me, a whole kilometer without stopping. When my sister was born, and how she loved me from the very beginning, and always took my side when Hawke and I had an argument. Everything I've done, good and bad, was always for someone else, never for me. And I never thought I'd die like this. I guess there was worse ways to go. I always thought it would be by bullets. Or an explosion near me. I always hoped I would die for my family, or someone else I cared about, but one thing I've learned is that dreams never come true. But, my family was safe, so it was okay. I relaxed, and rested my head on the cool ground. The weight seemed to fade away, as if it was lifted of of my body, and I liked that. At least it wouldn't hurt. And finally, smiling, I drifted into the darkness.

3035: The Last Stand
Pertualangan3035: The year everything will change. All her life, Fawke's parents have told her she was something more. Something special. And for all her life, Fawke had no idea how or why. Her brother, Hawk, with perfect aim, always kind to those who deserve...