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Mercury Ember White- Black when in heat/White in cold, purple with amber specks(left), amber with purple specks(right)
Kingston Holt- blonde with blue eyes

Jedrek Kalister- redhead with brown eyes

Ethan Kalister- brown hair with green eyes

Amell Merkin- brown hair with brown eyes

Luke Yeulatike- Black hair with black eyes


"I've been bamboozled"


My hand froze over with ice encasing it almost delicately. I tried to take deep breaths before I left to the outside world. My hand blew up in white fire leaving the ice to be water dripping off my hands. I wiped them on my jeans and opened my front door. The chill of the winter didn't bother me at all. I thrived in it. My shoes crunched the snow that was laid on the ground. She continued her stroll through the neighborhood even though the sun had set long ago. She heard males laughing and joking around. She didn't mind though. If anything were to happen she wouldn't even need to use shamatrako. The battle would only need her force. She continued her walk ignoring the way that the men's voices hushed as she passed by. She didn't mean to purposely connect eyes with one of them, but when she did the mans breath was lost and he stepped back a bit. She unconsciously quirked an eyebrow continuing with her walk.

 Her goal was just to get some ice cream. She has been craving for some since last month, but only now let herself get the sweet treat. The wind began lowering in temperature giving her a feeling of home. She only wore a thin short-sleeved shirt with jeans. Her feet sporting some jogging shoes. The crunch of the snow calming. She turned walking into the supermarket. She frowned at the heat that bombarded her when she entered. She quickly found her way to the frozen isle picking out a pint of strawberry ice cream. On one hand she wanted to savor it because she wasn't allowed to have it again until a year from now, and then the other side wants to shove mouthfuls in her face. She picked up a singular metal spoon package and headed to the check-out desk. She payed and rushed back out into the cold with a deep relieving sigh.

 The negative weather year round was the reason she moved to Inclton, Gavachti. She opened the spoon package digging into the dessert. Her feet stopped her at a park bench. She slowed and sat on it, snow and all. For her this was normal behavior. No one was ever out in this town anyway. Here only lived about 100 people at most. No one else from America and such ever visited because of the temperature, or simply because they didn't know about it. Everyone who lived here was basically off the grid. Her ears picked up the sound of taking from the men from earlier. When they walked down the path they spoke of never being in the temperature this cold. 

"I don't think I could live in this weather. Even with what we are this is too much. I don't think I have ever felt cold in my life." She tilted her head in confusion. What they were? Maybe they were like her. She stuck another spoonful in her mouth humming a bit, while eavesdropping. 

"Do you remember that girl from earlier? She didn't even have a jacket. It is like negative twenty! And she had those eyes that-" He stopped abruptly and I looked up locking eyes with him again. I smiled. I guess we are going to find out if they are like me. Only my kind know the original languages of Tochkamai. It is unlearn-able because of it's age and the way it is spoken. If you are a true born it is a natural instinct. 

I stood to my feet with my eyes still locked with him, keeping him entranced. It was a specialty of our kind so I knew to tally the tall blonde as one. There were only five of them in total. One down four to go. I walked towards the blonde slowly. When I got close enough I glanced at the other men breaking the trance.

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