zerriee problems.1

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1:50- 2:04
The Zarry shit we are talkin about
Or just watch the whole video cuz liama is an adorable bean and at the end the Zarry eye contact fucked me up
Ok so everyone knows about this one. Harry says "I'm here to stand  while you marry someone else." And Zayn is quite unimpressed from that.
Tho I remember during the Up all night tour a Twitter question session, there was a question like
'What would you do if a fan truns up in a wedding dress?'
And Zayn answered it saying something like 'I'd ask her if she'd like to get married'.or something
And our little hazza piped up say something about 'he'll definitely trun up in a wedding dress'
I don't have the link I'll try n find it. If u have a link help this poor soul......

Real quick
Where are you guys from?
I'm from India livin in UAE atm

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