Chapter 4

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President Snow.

Katniss thought that the president would start yelling "Off with your head!" but he stayed strangely silent. After about a minute, he said, "I would. I would like tea." He said this in a weirdly calm voice, completely different from the way he had been talking to Katniss earlier. Katniss thought that maybe he was bipolar.

The door opened wider to reveal her mom standing in the hallway. She was holding a tray with their new china tea set on it. Katniss' mom had brought one to the Seam when she got married, but Katniss had broken that one in one of her temper tantrums. She had thrown a fit when she had realized that someone had used her hair curler. You see, Katniss was very protective of her stuff.

Behind her mom stood Prim. Katniss groaned when she saw her little sister. Prim looked President Snow straight in the eye. "Termites eat wood twice as fast when listening to heavy metal music," she said. Then she ran out of the room. President Snow looked quite taken aback. He mumbled something about crazy kids under his breath.

Then he looked at Katniss' mom and the tray in her hand. "You can set it here," he said, gesturing to the desk. "What a welcome sight. Now I might not have to chop your head off," the president said. He smiled a strange, forced smile that revealed his too-bright large teeth. Were large teeth popular in the Capitol now?

Katniss' mother raised her eyebrows at President Snow's smile. "Can I get you anything else?" she said hesitantly. It looked like she just wanted to get the heck out of there.

The president narrowed his eyes. "No, now go away. Don't make me mad or it's off with your head," he threatened. Katniss' mom suppressed her laughter at the president who looked like a child and shot Katniss a glance. Katniss didn't notice because she was otherwise preoccupied.

President Snow poured tea for himself and didn't offer Katniss any. Not that she cared. She was in the process of putting white polka dots on her pink nails. President Snow looked at Katniss expectantly, waiting for her to speak. As usual, she didn't notice a thing. Finally, after 30 minutes of waiting, President Snow cleared his throat. Katniss finally looked up, extremely miffed that she had to stop painting her nails.

"I didn't mean to start any uprisings," she told President Snow dismissively. She obviously hadn't realized how serious this situation really was.

"Well, off with your head anyway!" President Snow pointed an accusing finger at Katniss, but she just rolled her eyes.

"You keep making threats but you never follow through," she said, bored.

"I can't kill you publicly. That will only make the public even madder than they already are." President Snow was slightly amused at Katniss not knowing a thing about anything important.

Katniss sighed but still looked unaffected. The president glared at her. "Okay. Let me put it this way. If you don't comply, I get to chop your head off," he threatened.

Now, Katniss didn't want her head to be chopped off for fear that she would look ugly headless. "Okay, just tell me what to do," she said, finally looking up from her nails. But maybe she was finally paying attention because her nails were done, not because she was afraid for the state of her head.

President Snow childishly ignored her question like she had ignored him. He wanted to stick his tongue out at her but feared that would be a tad bit too strange. "Did your mother make these cookies?" he asked, picking one up.

"Ehmagawd, no. Peeta did!" Katniss exclaimed.

"How is Peeta?" President Snow asked. Katniss thought this was kind of odd. President Snow had never cared for Peeta before. He had never cared about the state of his health. So why should he start caring now? And the president hadn't asked her how she was, even though she was clearly much, much awesomer than Peeta.

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