Chapter 5

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Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew, Katniss thought. The smell of blood was on his breath. Did he drink it? And Katniss had caught another scent on his breath too. The smell of…cookies. Now that was more normal. In fact, it made Katniss crave cookies. She sincerely hoped Prim hadn't eaten all the cookies they had already. But knowing how much sugar Prim consumed everyday, she probably had.

Katniss heard a car engine start outside. The sound gradually got softer and softer, like the car was being driven away.

The world was spinning around her. President Snow had eaten all the cookies Katniss' mom had brought in. That pig. Katniss wasn't very surprised. If he really did chop off everyone's head like he threatened to do, he had to eat something that would give him enough energy to let him do that.

She still couldn't believe that she had to convince everyone that she was deeply in love with Peeta or here would be an uprising. And uprising meant…total chaos. It meant no more fashion. Katniss gasped when she realized that.

And if she couldn't convince everyone that she was in love with Peeta, Gale would die. It was that simple. Even though Gale already wanted to commit suicide, Katniss knew that he wanted to kill himself, not have some other person kill him. He was so picky.

Katniss knew she couldn't do it. She was never much of an actor. Peeta was the one who could convince people of anything once he set his mind to it.

Katniss heard her mother walking toward the study and made a quick decision. She couldn't know about this. Because if she knew about it, she might tell Katniss to stop worrying about clothes and makeup and start worrying about preventing an uprising. And Katniss wouldn't be able to stand that. Katniss' mom opened the door and peered inside the room, where Katniss still stood staring out the window.

"Is everything okay?" she asked. Katniss smiled brightly, which wasn't too hard. She loved smiling.

"Everything's okey-dokey, Mom!" Katniss said.

Katniss' mom visibly relaxed. "Good, Katniss," she said. "Should I start your bath for you?" she asked.

Since Katniss had been home, she had been asking her mom to do more things for her. Because she won the Hunger Games, she thought she deserved extra-special treatment. She was just awesome like that. Katniss decided to forgive her mother for the crushing depression she had fell into after Katniss' father's dead. After all, after her father died, Katniss didn't do anything to help the family either. She just got food from emo Gale. Katniss giggled when she thought that. "Emo Gale" should be Gale's official new name. She always called him emo anyway.

Katniss went upstairs to her bathroom. The tub was already filled. Her mother had prepared it for her, and Katniss was grateful for the fact that all she had to do now was sink into the bath and think about how life sucked. Crap, se was beginning to sound like Gale. Katniss undressed and lowered herself into the steaming water.

Katniss thought about who to tell about this new development. She couldn't tell Peeta, obviously. He would probably just recite some poetry he had written. She couldn't tell Gale either. He would just cut himself, oblivious to her problems. Maybe she could convince him to run away. But no, he would just complain about how life sucked the whole time. And possibly even write another emo poem.

She could tell Cinna, her stylist. But she guessed that Cinna was already in a whole heckload of trouble and didn't want to cause him any more. And so that left Haymich. Drunken, cranky Haymitch who couldn't sing at all. Katniss made a mental note to talk to Haymitch when he was sober—if she tried to talk to him when he was drunk, he would undoubtedly just interrupt her every few minutes by bursting into song. And because Gale had started to show Haymitch what Katniss had dubbed "emo music", she definitely did not want to hear Haymitch singing.

She sank into the water in the tub and reminisced about the good old days, when her father was still alive. On good days, he had taken her to the woods to swim in a lake that he had found one day while hunting. Katniss would just relax in the water while she watched her father work his butt off bagging the waterfowl that were always near the shore and digging for katniss roots. Then, when they came home, Katniss' mom would cook up an amazing dinner of roasted duck and baked katniss tubers with gravy. A dinner that Katniss had made no contribution to whatsoever.

Katniss had never taken Gale to the lake. It seemed like a secret place somehow. It was just for her and her father, no one else. Visits there made Katniss feel depressed. But then she would just visit Gale, who was even more depressed than she was and she would cheer up considerably.

Katniss could hear the sounds of cars and people approaching her house. She just had time to towel off and pulled on a robe before a group of people burst into her bathroom. It was her prep team.

"Katniss, your eyebrows!" Venia shrieked right away. Katniss touched her eyebrows self-consciously. What was wrong with her eyebrows? She thought she had plucked them to perfection! Oh no, what if her eyebrows looked…ugly. She could barely think the thought. Oh, the horror!

"They look absolutely perfect!" Venia said. Katniss breathed out a sigh of relief. She didn't look ugly after all. Octavia came up to Katniss and examined her nails. Apparently, they passed her inspection because she gave Katniss a pat on the back of approval. Katniss beamed. Oh Em Gee! She had been waiting for this moment for ages. She had tried to stay prettyful in her time away from the Capitol. And now they were going to dress her up!

This was going to be so much fun! Maybe they would let her wear lots and lots of pink. Then she could go visit Emo Gale (that was what she decided to call Gale from then on), who always wore black, and annoy him. He hated pink. He said it was too happy. Katniss saw nothing wrong with being happy. In fact, she was generally happy.

Especially when she thought about clothes and makeup.

Flavius looked at Katniss' hair and said, "Did anyone touch your hair?"

Katniss shook her head no. They had specifically told her not to let anyone cut her hair. Once she had seen a totally cute haircut and wanted it, but she had refrained from getting it, knowing that her prep team would kill her if she did.

Her prep team pulled her onto a chair in her bedroom and started, well…prepping her. The started talking nonstop about things that were going on in the Capitol. Katniss listened, but soon got bored. Most of their conversation was about the latest fashion trends, but some of it was actually about politics. This was incredibly shocking. Granted, they were only talking about what the politicians were wearing, but it was still boring to Katniss. She began almost dozing off.

Because she was just awesome like that.

Hey Guys this is TedKim1! I hope you like this book, I will make more parodys and like this and comment! So see you guys soon!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2012 ⏰

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