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"Stop!" the officer yelled at us. I remember exactly what he said because of its unoriginality and total lack of an actual threat. Of course, we began to run in the opposite direction.* And, predictably, the officers gave chase. I must admit that I'm rather proud of how long I was able to keep away from them in the labyrinthine passages of discarded junk and shops and shacks that make up the interior of Latet Navalia. I was, after all, rather familiar with its layout.

I just can't believe I forgot about that dead-end corridor.

I was able to cold-cock one of them in the belly and bolt past his doubled-over form before getting shot in the back with one of those ridiculous incapacitating space-guns. Get a real gun or fight like a man, that's what I always say.

I suppose you know the rest, but I do hope you didn't find my traveling companion. If you do, though, do make sure he pays me.

And now I've got to go. Good day.


*Doesn't everyone?

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