Sweet revenge

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Still flashback
Raph's pov
~after meeting Slash~
Me and Sp-I mean Slash where on a rooftop searching for the canister of mutagen.
"We are searching for hours! We will never find it! Its a waste of time!" I shout.
"Think twice." Slash said with a smirk on his face.
"Oh let me guess its just poped out from nowhere right?!"
"I should have to complain an hour ago..."
"Let's go."
(Let's change a bit the story shall we?)
Slash was in the middle of the road but no one was there but my ninja sesnses (like Mikey's) are keep telling me we are whatched but from where?
I keep wondering until I heard Leo's voice:
"Get him!"
Leo's pov
We found the canister. I saw Raph on a rooftop and he wasn't alone. He was with a giant mutan tortoise:
"Hey guys look." I said.
"Its Raph..."
"But who is the guy with him?"asked Mikey worried.
"I don't know but its something wrong at this guy..."
The giant turtle jumped off of the rooftop and went for the canister of mutagen.
"Get him!" I yelled.
(Ok I'm not good at describing fights so I'm gonna leave this part sorry)
I was trowed into a wall with so much force after I was hit with a weapon and all went black. All I could hear was my name beeing called by Raph.

Nobody's pov

"Leo! How could you Spike?!"
"Spike?" Mikey and Donnie questioned.
"The name is Slash! And I do it for you Raphael. Now we could be toghether not just as a team and as mates."
"Mates?! Why where you thinking I would be with you in the first place and why do you hurt Leo?!!!"
"He was in my way. He has a crush on you so I have to eliminate him."
"Leo?... have...a...crush...on me?"
"Hah! I know! Sounds pathetic no?! How could you to be with him?! Raphael... you and I are the same, we are made for each other."
"No! We aren't! And if you think I will never be with Leo well you think wrong!"
"What do you mean?! You said you whant to work with me!~"
"I never said I want to work with you, I said, I want to work alone on my own...but now... I realize how wrong I was. I'm sorry guys for yelling at you and don't treat you with respect, I'm sorry I can't show you how much I care for you *step on Leo's way* and Leo... if you hear me... I'm sorry for every thing I did to you...and... I...love you..."

Leo slowly open his eyes and says:
"I...l-lov-ve you...t-too."

Slash's eyes are fill with pure anger, he roared and push Mikey and Donnie over the edge.
"Ahhhhhh"they screamed.
Raph runs faster trying to cacth them. He does but Slash took Leo and run away with him.
"Leo nooooo!!!!" Raph yelled. He went to his knees and begin to cry louder." L-Leo...we must get him back!"
"But how?!"
"I know how. When we where fighting with Salsh I put one of my roach on him. We can track him and get Leo back!"
"So what are we waiting for?! Let's get Leo back!"

Leo's pov
It was dark, wery dark. I was tied up in a chair and in my mouth was... a GAG?!! Ohhh how gross. But isn't the time to think at that, where am I?
"Ahh you're awake... Sleep well?"
"Wagb dj you mwamt frjnm mm?!"(what do you want from me?!)
"I don't want anything from you. Well is one thing..."
"Amd tamts ims? Oh waimt you amn undmmaja me?"(And that is? Wait you can understand me?)
"Yes I can understand you."
"Bumt homw?"(But how?)
"Every time Raphael is drunk he keep talking about wierd stuffs and I think I learn his language... but why I'm saying this things to you?"
"Camt you pumt out tme gag pmease?"( Can you put out the gag please?)
"Ughh fine but just if you promise not to scream...or else..."
"Omkay omkay I plombmise!"(okay okay I promise!)
He put the gag out of my mouth.
"Thanks... anyway what do you want from me?!"
"I want you to suffer! In the same way I did when I see you with Raphael, every day, talking, laughing... I want Raphael just for me! AND ONLY ME! You will never love him in the same way I do!"
"How could you to even know that?!!! You don't know what I fell towards Raph! You don't know how to is to lve someone with true love!"
He slapped me hard.
"Silence! He doesen't love you! He hates you! You are just a little shit (sorry for the language) just messing around with your stupid katanas playing the fearless leader. You don't know how many words he said to me just because he was mad at you!!! He called you a bit** and a jerk! You make him mad only you! He doesn't deserve you I do! You don't understand him! I do! You know nothing about him! Sometimes he tell me he wishes you will never existed on this planet! HE! HATES! YOU!"

I started to cry. He was right I make him mad. It was my fault Spike was like this. If I wouldn't make him mad he was never like that. No! Leo thats what he wants to meke you suffer don't listen to him! But is true...
"Now why do you cry? Is the fearless leader scared?!"
"I-I-I'm s-sorry..."
"Is to late for apologies..."
He get up his weapon near my head until I heard Raph calling my name.
"Its too late for your leader! Now you will learn to love ME AND ONLY ME!"
He hit me and all went black.

Raph's pov
"Noo Leo! You monster! How could you!?"
"I tell you Raphael we are the same you don't need him."
(Aaand again the fight between Raph and Slash and Raph wins)
I went to Leos body to see if he is alive.
"L-Leo... please w-wake up... wake...up... Leo please! Wake...up..."
I started to cry. Donnie went to check on him.
"Raph... Leo is~"
"Is gone?!"
"...No Mikey... he is in a coma and I don't think he will wake up so soon."
I couldn't belive my ears... Leo is in a coma? I started to cry on Leo's chest and begin to hit the ground.
"Me and my issuses! Ughh I hate myself!"
"Raph isn't your fault~"
"Yes it is!! I slammed the door and I get the mutagen from you! I say those horryble words abut him in front of Spike and now he is in a coma all beacause of me!!"
"Well see the bright side... Leo could be dead without you."said Mikey trying to cheer me up.
"Yeah...*sniff* I think you're right... but if it wasn't me all those things wont happen! Its my fault!"
"Nice goin' Mikey!"
"Well I tried to help and don't just stare at the ground like you!"he covered his mouth quiqly.
"No... its fine you are just trying to help I'm sorry..."
"But why~"
"CAN WE!! Sorry... can we just go at the liar and fix Leo up?"
They nodded. We went to the liar and put Leo in Donnie's lab. He stabilizate him and now I'm just staing there staring at his chest rising and falling. How could I be so blind?!
"I'm so sorry Leo...please wake up soon... I love you."

Anddd is done! Finally!
Sorry for the long waiting guys hope you like it.
Ioa's outta here! Bye! Love ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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