I Hate You

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"Hey, give back my backpack!"

"Not until you tell me what you got on your Math test." Alex replied, dodging smoothly as I lunged at him.

"I'm not telling you!" I retorted.

"Okay, I'll just look through your backpack for your test." Alex grabbed my backpack- I had been holding it instead of wearing it.

"Don't you dare!" I jumped at him again, but he simply raised the backpack above my head. Dammit, why does he have to be so tall?

"Oh, I will- Ow, shit!" Alex cursed as I knocked him down to the ground and retrieved my backpack.

"You're such a jerk." I said, but Alex started smirking.

"54%" He whispered. I furrowed my brows, not understanding what he meant. Suddenly, I gasped.

"You saw my mark?!" I screeched, searching my bag for my test.

"Yep, and wow, I never knew you sucked at Math so much. You barely passed." Alex said, sliding the test out of his pocket.

"Shut up, I don't get perfect on every test like you do." I said, snatching the test away and stuffing it into my bag.

"Since when did I get perfect?" Alex said, crossing his arms.

"You get better than me!"

"That's because it's funny seeing you react. But seriously, you should consider getting a tutor or something."

"Like who?"

"Me, obviously." Alex replied.

I scoffed. "More time for you to harass me? No thanks."

I turned on my heel and walked away from him, but I could still hear him walking behind me. I turned to glare at him. "Stop following me."


"Stop following me, you stalker!" I yelled angrily, stomping my foot.

"I'm sorry, but in case you haven't noticed, we live next to each other."

Oh yeah.

We did.

-- Time skippy for you? --

I yawned as I trudged down the hall towards the kitchen. I sat down at the table and was about to fall asleep until I felt something whack me on the head. "Ow!" I exclaimed and looked up, all traces of sleepiness gone.

"Lily, what time did you go to sleep last night?" My dad asked, still holding the newspaper that I had been hit with.

"Uh.. 1 am?" I winced, preparing for a scolding.

"I thought you were going to go to bed at 10. What were you doing?" My mother inquired, walking into the dining room where my father and I were seated.

"I was studying for a test because I.. wanted to do better than last time." I was about to mention my nearly-failed test, but I recovered smoothly.

I think.

"Okay then.." My mom said and stopped questioning me, but she had this suspicious look in her eyes. "Just take care of yourself, okay? Alex sleeps earlier than you and he gets better grades."

I groaned as my mom rubbed in the fact that Alex was better than me. This conversation was going nowhere good, so I stuffed a piece of toast in my mouth and washed it down with the last of my milk. "I'm going now!" I called as I put on my shoes and quickly left.

I walked in silence until I noticed footsteps other than mine. I turned around and guess what? Alex was there behind me, using his phone.

"Damn, I'm too late to get rid of you." I said and he looked up.

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