A Night Out

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My alarm started ringing right at 9 am. I grabbed my phone and silenced the ringing. I got up from bed and headed to my coffee maker to make a very large cup of black coffee. I hadn't gotten any sleep that night. I refused to shut my eyes again as I feared that there would be a knock at my window or another flash through the blinds. I had never experienced anything like this before. I couldn't understand why anyone would want to take pictures of me in my room.

I shuddered to myself and tried to shake it off. Perhaps I had imagined the whole thing or maybe I was overreacting. Nobody on this campus knows me, so maybe it wasn't a light from a camera and I was just suffering from sleep deprivation or maybe it was a prank to bother college kids while they tried to sleep. I decided that those were much more rational responses than someone taking pictures of me.

After drinking my coffee, I got dressed and ready for class and grabbed my backpack as I headed for my door. It was Wednesday, meaning it was the easiest day of my week. I had two classes today, but I was done by one. As I headed to math, listening to my music, I felt like someone was watching me. I nonchalantly glanced around me at all the people walking in different directions. From what I could tell, no one was giving me the slightest bit of interest.

"You're overreacting" I thought to myself. That's when I caught sight of a tall figure standing near the tree line. Although it wasn't cold out, he wore a long black coat with the hood up and looking out at the mass of people traveling to and from class. I tried to get a better look at him when I was interrupted by someone tapping on my shoulder. I jumped slightly and turned my head. Seeing that it was Tiffany, I took out my headphones and gave her a smile.

"I didn't mean to scare you! I just saw you standing here and thought I'd say hi." Her smile was genuine, but I still felt on edge. I looked back towards the tree line, but the person was gone.

I got slightly embarrassed as I realized I was just standing in the middle of the busy sidewalk. "I just thought I saw something, but maybe I'm just tired. It's good to see you again. Where are you headed?"

"I'm going to Valentine Hall for a physics class. Where are you going?"

"I'm going there too for a pre-calculus class!" She smiled at my response and we started walking towards our classes. She rambled on about how she thought our residential assistant was hot and asked me if he had talked to me last night too. She was hoping he was just making an excuse to get her number. I chuckled at her thought. Tiffany then started talking about the weekend.

"Soooo, this guy in one of my classes invited me to a party he's having Friday night. I asked my roommate if she wanted to come with me, but she said she isn't into that kind of crowd. Do you party?" She looked at me hopefully. Honestly, I used to go out with my friends in high school and at the beginning of the summer I went to a few parties, but I hadn't gone since. I looked at Tiffany, prepared to tell her no, but something about her hopeful look made me change my mind.

"I haven't been to a party here yet, but I am free Friday night." At my response Tiffany let out a very obnoxious cheering noise and quickly pulled out her phone to have me put my number into it.

"I'll text you Friday and we can get ready together and I'll have someone pick us up! This is so exciting!" She started talking about more plans, but I really wasn't paying attention. I was slightly upset with myself for agreeing to go out, but I didn't want to tell her no. A part of me hoped that she would have to cancel last minute.

We had reached the building with our classes inside and we both said a quick goodbye before heading our own ways. The rest of the day was very uneventful and I had long since forgot about the man in the coat. When I got back to my dorm after dinner that night, I decided to keep my blinds closed. I laid in bed that night, as I do every night, and tried my hardest to get some sleep.

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