Charlie's the name being awkward is my game

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I'm 12 years old. I'm about to turn 13. Ugh. I'm no longer a 'little kiddie' anymore as my uncle Sano keeps pointing out. I'm only 5'2 I swear I'm shrinking! At school I'm the cast out. not even the weird kids wanna hang out with me, I mean I have friends! I'm not a total loser! they just don't wanna hang out with me during school. I don't care. I don't have to tell anyone where I'm going or what I'm doing and shit. People think I'm weird because I have two dad's and I love them both. I suppose that you could call Ren, the fox boy as my brother, he is kinda actually thinking about it, we fight and mess around a lot so yeah he is my brother. I recently got into trouble with my teacher, she caught me scratching things into my desk like 'Courtney is a $2 whore' which is true that's the messed up part about it! But still I got detention. Never turned up for any Detention because fuck 'em! I have better things to do! Once out of School I was just as messed up like I would throw rocks into still water and jump over fences like as if the FBI was after me crap stuff like that. Its almost Halloween! Awesome!! can't wait. Free candy, I get to fuck up people's yards, TP people's house HA! they all deserve it.

Once I was home I would yell out 'I'm home!' then run up stairs kicking off my shoes, throwing my backpack to where ever I don't care,i jumped on my bed then straight on my laptop! Straight in to MSN message. Looking at all the nicknames, 'Tweakingtillibreakandfall' I thought to myself 'yes! she's online!'i clicked the name,

'Awkward Charlie': Hey Auntie Cole! how's the UK?

'Tweakingtillibreakandfall': Hey Beauty! I wouldn't know I'm not fucking there! lol :)

'Awkward Charlie': Wha?! where you at?!

'Tweakingtillibreakandfall': Not in piss wet, grey as hell, boring, shitty England! lol! don't worry I'm with a friend! :) What's up?

'Awkward Charlie': Okay! When the fuck will I get tits? and when the Fuck will I get my Period!? I'm still waiting! I want big tits like you! :(

'Tweakingtillibreakandfall': Oh Baby girl! ..... no you don't! there a pain in my ass! and my back... and well as for those things they will come! you're boobs are growing okay you just cant tell that they are there yet! and as for your period, don't worry about it! Be grateful that you don't have it yet! you're still young! I started when I was 10! it will happen! Okay xx

'Awkward Charlie': Okay :) thank you Cole! I'm just being an idiot. x

'Tweakingtillibreakandfall': Its okay Boo! your not being an idiot! your being Awkward ;) I have to go babe I'm being 'unsocial' PFFT! this bitch don't know me well! lol xx

'Awkward Charlie:' LOL!!! okay talk Later xx

I logged off then rolled over on my side on the bed. I sighed and thought about food. So I rolled off the bed and ran down stairs. No one in the living room, nothing new there. I slid into the kitchen with my socks on and opened the fridge door, oooo food! I picked something out then closed the door, I stared at the basement door, I wasn't allowed downstairs, I assumed it was because my dad was making things and I would just get in the fucking way. So I ran back upstairs with my food and jumped on my bed again, I turned on the TV.

"Update again on our stories tonight, A woman from Long beach has been reported missing, Laura Sheffield aged 21 was last seen on her way home from work, she has been missing since last Friday. This is the third woman to disappear this year."

I turned the channel over to the cartoons. 'Pfft! I don't care about some bitch going missing! not my problem' I thought coldly to myself. I think as I have gotten older I have got moodier. moodier? Moody? whatever! see what I mean? anyways! I ate what I got and laughed at stupid things on the TV. "CHARLIE! are you home?" yelled my Dad Strade, I woke up suddenly, I must have fallen asleep again, "I'm home!" I yelled back, something is stuck to my face, so I decided to peel it off, "OUCH! you mother's fuck!" I said to myself. I decided to show my face downstairs. I turned the TV off and ran down the steps into the kitchen. "You know Monkey, one of these days your going to go flying down those steps and hut yourself" said Strade. I sat down and said "Yeah I bet you'd like that huh." Strade looked at me and said "No. No Charlie I wouldn't like that! that's horrible baby don't say that okay." Strade kissed me on top of my head, and I muttered "Sowwie." I decided to go back upstairs as dinner wasn't ready yet and I grabbed a book from under my bed and unlocked it, I pawed though the pages and begun to write on the blank pages, "Dear Diary, today I got in to trouble as usual......."


This is a carry onto my fanfiction BTD 'IF I HAD A HEART'!

This was requested! I cant remember you're name I'm sorry! forgive me!

I hope you like this so far!

Awkward Charlie (follow on to if I had a heart fanfic of mine)Where stories live. Discover now