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  • Dedicated kay LOUIS TOLINSON

Louis Imagine

You and Louis have been dating for the last 9 months and 2 days. You are watching a movie and he has fallen asleep on your lap you’re really hungry so you try to reach for the popcorn without waking him up but you do and he’s like “dam I missed the end of the movie” then he cheeks his watch and is like but at least I have an hour till you go home you laugh and he stares at you because he doesn’t understand why you are laughing. Then you smile and say “I am home that’s why you are so tired” so you both walk to the bedroom but before you go to bed you brush your teeth and on the counter is a big blue box. You open it and start to cry because inside is a note that says “your smile lights up my world so please be mine and behind the note is a ring but it is in the shape of a carrot. You walk into the room and say “yes yes I will be yours”. Then he gives you a passionate kiss and you fall asleep in his arms with him kissing you lightly on the neck and  he says “you are my beautiful baby “

imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon