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Chapter 8

Maya's POV:

Kenzie came out of the bathroom and laid on her bed. She fell asleep with mascara tears running down her cheeks. None of us said a word as we headed to our rooms. As I walked out of their room I bumped into something or someone. I turned around to be face to face with Shawn Mendes.

"Oh sorry," I said.

"No worries," he smiled at me.

We went our separate ways and all I could think about was Shawn all night. His brown eyes and his shaggy brown hair. He was prefect and I hated to admit it but I was falling for him. I was falling for Shawn Mendes, and fast.


Julia's POV

We woke up in the morning and got ready for the day. Kenzie didn't say a word to any of us about last night, so we didn't bring it up. She was wearing a Magcon sweatshirt and it wasn't hers.

"Hey Kenzie who's sweatshirt is that?" Dev asked.

"Oh it's umm Nash's," she said.


They all looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

They shrugged and finished getting ready. We had to meet in the event room to meet everyone and set up the stage plus the meet and greet centers for tomorrow. The girls and I walked down all together and met the boys in the room.

"Hey," Cameron said coming over to me.

"Hi," I said to him.

He smiled at me and continued talking. I tried to listen but all I could focus on was the girl by the door. She had red hair and was very fairly fit. She looked very familiar from the back. I studied her longer before Cameron shook me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

I shook my head.

"Who's that by the door?" I asked.

He looked at me nervous.

"Julia, ummm," he said.

He didn't need to say anymore, the boy she was with turned around and it was JC. The girl turned around and I ran for her. She looked taken back, but I was going to smack her.

"Leah!" I screamed.

She looked me in the eyes and nodded. The other girls turned and Dev ran all the way to Leah, faster then me. She gave her a fairly good smack on the face and Matt pulled her back. He held her to him chest and she tried to break free. I walked up to Leah and stopped.

"I have no words for you, I'm not going to hit you because Dev already did that," I said.

All she could do was nod her head. She held her cheek as everyone watched us. Dev was still trying to get free to kick Leah again but Matt had her good. I turned around and told Dev to look up. She did what she was told and saw Matt. She looked back at me with pleading eyes and I just smiled. She was in love with Matt and it was funny. She stopped struggling and stood up. I turned back to Leah and looked her in the eyes.

"So Julia, how's it been?" She asked.

I lost my shit and smacked her hard.

"YOU LITTLE BITCH!" I shouted.

She fell to the ground and JC picked her up. She flew at me and punched me in the stomach.


She grabbed my hair and I grabbed her shirt. She started smacking me and I punched her. We yelled some unfriendly words at each other and then I was pulled back. Someone wrapped their arms around me waist and pulled me close to them. I watched as JC pulled Leah away and into his chest.

"YASSSS JULIA YASSS!" Maya and Dev yelled.

I smirked at Leah and she gave me the death stare. I finally looked up and saw Nash and Cameron. I looked into Cameron's eyes and said thank you. He just smiled and let me go. I straightened myself out and went over to Dev. Matt was still holding onto her.

"Keep holding her Matt, she'll go in again." I told him.

He laughed.

"I'm serious, and she likes when you hold her." I smirked.

Dev looked at me with wide eyes. Matt just laughed and looked down at her. I looked back at Leah one more time before leaving he room. I walked out of the hotel and walked down the streets exploring. Why did she have to come now? Really why Lord? I sat on a park bench and sighed.

"Of course it's winter." I told myself.

I forgot a jacket and I was freezing, but I couldn't go back. I looked at the frozen water in the fountain as someone sat beside me. I looked over and saw Cameron.

"Are you like following me?" I asked.

"Maybe, is that a problem?" He asked.

"Not at all," I laughed.

He must have saw me shivering because he wrapped his arms around me and sat me on his lap. He pulled his oversized coat around us both and cuddled me. I lay my head back on his shoulder breathing in his scent. It was Cameron and I and just Cameron and I. I smiled and laughed.

"What?" He asked.

"Nothing, you just smell good," I said.

He laughed his beautiful laugh and I smiled.

Kenzie could have Nash, I was falling for Cameron Dallas, and no one else could have him.

He was mine.

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