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Chapter 19


So Cameron and I went on a date to Starbucks last week. Then he stopped talking to me, in person that is. We texted every night before bed but in the morning we never saw each other in person. He was always off doing something with the guys or he was always in meetings with Bart. I didn't really know if we had something going on, or if we were in a relationship. It was so confusing and I just wanted to scream so badly. It's been 2 weeks and Magcon was tomorrow, then we had day 3 the next day. Then on Sunday we would board the plane to go home for another 2 weeks until Magcon San Diego. Finally some hot weather. But not seeing Cameron for 2 weeks kinda scared me. What if he stopped texting me? What if he stopped calling, FaceTiming, or messaging me? All these thoughts rushed through my head all at once. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I got a text.

Cameron 😘

What are we? 😐

Mandy's POV:

So the talk with Jack went okay I guess. I mean I don't really know where things stand for us, but at least we can talk to each other now right. Right?


"Let's talk," I said.

He nodded and let me in his room.

"Where's the others?" I asked.

"They're out with your friends," he told me.

I nodded and sat on the bed next to him.

"So I thought we should talk," I told him.

"You don't have to say anything Mandy, I'm the one who should be saying everything. I'm the one who screwed up. I only brought my ex girlfriend here because she really admired Nash and we still are really great friends so I thought I would surprise her. She kissed me in the elevator and then by her room. I promise I never wanted to hurt you, turns out she never wanted me. She just wanted to get to Nash," he said sadly.

"I'm sorry Jack," I told him.

"It's fine, I didn't like her that much anyways. I was only sad because I lost you," he whispered.

I sighed and looked down.

"I-I don't know what to say Jack, I really liked you. To be honest I still do." I whispered.

He looked at me and smiled.

"Don't you dar-"

I was cut off by his lips on mine. We pulled apart when Johnson walked in.

(End Of Flashback)

So that's where we kinda stand. I was the only one in my room and Julia was the only one in her room. The others went out to eat. I guess we just weren't up for food right now. I wonder if Julia was thinking the same thing as me? Was she?


I glanced at my phone.

Jack 😏

What are we? 😐

Dev's POV:

Matt and I have been "dating" for about a week. It didn't really feel like it though. We were slowly drifting apart, he would go to his meetings with Bart I would go to mine with Kate. Boys would go with boys, girls with girls. I don't know why it was that way but Bart thought that's what's best. Bart took the boys to 6 Flags the other day, us girls went shopping and out to eat, we would all rather have gone to 6 Flags with the guys. It's like Bart didn't want us to be friends or even more with the guys. It kinda sucked to be honest. To get my mind off things I went out to eat with the girls. I didn't really focus on the conversations the others were having. I was so deep in thought. I could tell no one was motivated to talk that much either. We all just sat thinking.


Matt 😜

What are we? 😐


Aaron and I have been getting closer and closer everything we hung out over the first week. The 2nd week everything just kinda vanished. We only texted now, about the stupidest things. I wish we could be more, but I don't know. I wish he could just decided and ask am already that one question I was dying to ask him.

Aaron ✌

What are we? 😐

Whoop there it is..

Maya's POV:

Shawn and I went out a few times, he sang to me about the funniest things. He made we feel wanted, and worth something. Of course I was happy but he somehow made me happier. He never told a lie when he was with me, he would correct himself if he did. It was funny to see him get so nervous around me. I didn't know I could make a boy do that, especially Shawn freaking Mendes. I wish he would just ask me to be his girlfriend already. Wow that sounded better in my head.

Shawn 💕

What are we? 😐

Are you kidding?


Everything was perfect between Carter and I. His brown hair and dark brown eyes gave me chills every time. He was so beautiful it kinda hurt. He asked me out last week and we've been going strong for the last 2 weeks. Of course he was busy with the meetings with Bart, but he always made an effort to see my every night. He was wonderful. I think he was my boyfriend, I just didn't know yet. He never really asked me. He told me he liked me a lot and just left it at that. Sooo yeah. All the girls took a look at their phones when they went off. At the same time..something was up.

Carter 😋

What are we? 😐

All the girls got the same text..


Is there an us?

Mandy's POV:

Is there an us?


Is there an us?

Dev's POV:

Is there an us?

Maya's POV:

Is there an us?


Is there an us?

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