Chapter 2

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I went to bed last night and I could barely sleep. See, Kylee had a group of people walking behind her. I didn't know if they were spying on us or something. I just couldn't fucking sleep. So I woke up and got to the fridge. I opened it and rummaged through the fridge for something sweet. I opened the shelf in the fridge up and got some over-cooked brownies. "Eh why the fuck not?" I grabbed two. I went back to sleep and slept pretty well. When I woke though... All I heard were cop cars... heading to my house... I was worried about what would happen to my mom and Rin... or maybe it was just for Mikey or Kyeania... Since they both did drugs, it was reasonable. I guess I would figure out when I got home. So I ended up waking Emma and Layla up. So I got up on Emma's desk. "I DONT GET  ANY SLEEP CUZ  Y'ALL! SO Y'ALL  AIN'T GONNA GET NO SLEEP CUZ  ME!" I yelled that while slamming to books together. They woke up and Emma ended up throwing her tablet at my stomach. I fell backwards off the desk and started laugh-cough-crying. "Oh shit!" Layla jumped up to see if I was ok. I was rolling on the floor laughing. After that I got up and we all tried to make pancakes. We enjoyed a good breakfast but I still couldn't get the though out of my head that the police car was for my family. So  when we were done with our breakfast, I asked "Hey, could we make a trip back to my place? I heard cop cars this morning and I wanna see what happened." Emma and Layla just kinda looked at me. "You heard cop cars, in YOUR neighborhood, and you didn't tell me? BITCH!" Emma said. Layla also commented and said "Maybe we have someone else who wants to be in the gang?" I looked at Layla with dead eyes. "NOBODY. Joins the Butcher Gang. We are already formed and that's that."  We put our bowls in the sink and said 'Bye' to Sidney. We ran outside, got on our bikes, and started heading towards the community center. It was a LONG way fro Emma's house, but we really wanted to see what happened. We finally got to the community center and we stopped for a break. There was still cop cars... and it sounded like there was an ambulance coming up the hill. Me, Emma, and Layla got even MORE excited. We got on our bikes and rode down to my house as fast as we could. We got on the driveway to all the houses and I noticed something... The cop cars weren't surrounding Mikey or Kyeania's house... They were down the driveway farther. We rode our bikes slowly down the hill and.... They were surrounding my house. I didn't know what to think... "Maybe they found out your mom smokes pot?" Layla suggested. "Maybe your mom murdered someone.." Emma suggested. "Hey Emma, weren't your parents visiting my mom?" I asked. "And didn't you hear that ambulance back there...?" I asked again. "If MY parents are dead, I don't care. I can live with Sydney." And then I looked through the window... My mom was laying on the couch with a knife in her throat. While Emma's mom was hanging from the ceiling fan and her dad was crushed under the shelf. "Holy shit...." I said, "Emma your wish is granted, look in the window.."  She looked in the window and started laughing. But then I noticed something... Where was Rin?!?!?! "WHERE'S RIN?!" I yelled panicked. Then I noticed that one of the windows on our house was opened. She always was a smart kid. I walked up to the police to ask if they knew what happened. "Hey sheriff, sir?" He looked at me when I said that. "Do you have any, ANY, idea what happened?" He looked at me then looked at the house. "No we don't ma'am. Our top lead supports the fact that the single mom was stabbed in the throat, the other woman was hung, and the dad was-" I cut him off. "WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BABY SISTER? WHERE IS SHE?!" He looked at me shocked. "This is your house? Well pardon me. We didn't know that there was a baby sister. If it makes you happier, she wasn't found in the house." I looked as red as an angry bull on steroids. I walked away and started shouting. "SERENITY! SERENITY! Serenity?!" I kept yelling for about a good 15 minutes. "C'mon, you can live with me for now Trin, we're gonna need more people to help around the house anyways." Emma said. I got on my bike and Emma got on hers. Layla had already went home while I wasn't looking. We rode our bikes back to Emma's house and told Sydney the news. It was a weird day after that. I didn't talk much and whenever someone started conversation I just replied with a simple "Yes" or "No". This happened all the way until Monday. On Monday someone stopped me from doing it. And I couldn't help but notice that they were next on the O.O.P.

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