Meeting Link

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Links P.O.V

"Link? Time to wake up" Zelda said

"Hi Zelda" I said still half asleep

"Come on sweetie pie" Zelda pocked me "time to get up"

"Why???" I complained

"You have the knighting ceremony silly" Zelda said perkily

"It's not till tomorrow" I said falling back asleep

"You need to rehearse Link" sighed Zelda slightly annoyed

"I'll just wing it..." I mumbled "no problems, it's just some stupid thing I don't even get anything from it but the Sir in front of my name..."

"Ok... I'll just tell my dad, the King, that you would rather sleep that practice" Zelda lifted one eyebrow

"Sounds great see you tomorrow..." I said than completely crashed

(In the dream)

I was in the castle but I ran in to the fields I saw someone in the distance, I saw an explosion behind me I walked forward "Minda? Is that really you? But... Your... I saw...?" I said as I walked towards her "I though you were dead..."

"No Link I'm not dead... Or I won't be..." Midna whispered her eyes glowing a dark shade of red

"Who's that behind you? Haha?" I said nervously. I didn't know what to do... Midna, I saw her get killed, being dragged into a portal... Grabbed by white, zombie like arms... Dragged in to who knows where maybe even another twilight... That was right after we saved the princess from her own castle in the dark time...

"This is Linkette... She is you, you are her, you are one and you shall both die if one does. You shall restore my life!" The field was disintegrating around me. This Linkette girl fell to dust and Midna was turning into...

I woke up by the sound of my afternoon alarm 3:30 I was panting "I should... Should get up..." I was still partially traumatised from the dream afraid to leave my bed "just a dream... You've defeated Ganon for the triforces sake no dream can scare me" I whispered to myself. I knew it was a dream but it just felt so real I felt as if this Linkette existed... But Minda... I was sure she was dead... She vanished a while after I defeated the Twilight... I'm sure... I got changed and was about to open my bedroom door when it smashed open and in the door way was Linkette.

Linkette's P.O.V

"Linkette?" Link said "is that your name?"

"Yes... But how did you know?" I answered "we haven't met"

"I saw you in my dream..." He explained "what are you doing here?" He felt a rush of fear, jolt through his body.

"Sorry about coming through the door at such a pace" I apologised "but I have something need you to help me with..." I explained to him about the explosion "Navi was injured the most" I still hadn't told him about Fi and Midna but he interrupted

"Wait I just have one question before you continue... Is Navi still annoying in your dimension?" He chuckled

"No just as annoying as your Navi I imagine" I giggled back "as I was saying Fi was there as well but I don't know if he (she?) was ok or not... And-" he cut me off again

"So what do we need to do and how do we need to do it?" He asked

"Well we need to find the ocarina which is in this temple" I showed him my map "it's just the wrong way round so in stead of east we go west"

"Ok then what?" He asked

"Then we go back to my dimension go back in time and stop the bomb from exploding" I replied

"Ok but what do I get in repay?" He asked

"I'll help you when you are in a crises or can't be bothered saving your princess" I said

"Deal" we shook on it

"We can stay till the morning" I said "then we'll leave"

"Ok since we have a bit of time..." He said with a smirk "how annoying is Navi on a scale of one to ten?"

"Ten... Has your princess ever given you a reward for saving her?"

"Zelda? No maybe a kiss on the cheek but that's it. Favourite colour?"

"Green!" We said in sink and bursted out laughing

It quieted down to silence "Do you know what the time is?" I asked destroying the piece and quiet

"It's 4:07, why?" He replied

"I am a bit tired... I might get some shut eye" I said stretching my arms "um is there somewhere I can sleep?"

"You can have my bed... I only woke up like half an hour ago hehe" he replied

"Ok I'll see you when I awaken..." I joked

"Night" he said sitting on a chair at a desk starting to right something down. I wonder what it was...

Link's P.O.V

Wow Linkette is really... Nice, I can't imagine how she manages Navi, hehe. I looked over to her sleeping in my bed. I started writing a letter to Zelda:

Dear Zelda,

I won't be able to come to my knighting ceremony. I met someone special who needs me to assist her in an adventure to save all she knows. I will be gone for a month or two so don't get into any trouble while I'm gone. Sorry again about the ceremony but when duty calls I have to be there.

Love Link

I sealed in an envelope and stamped it ready to give to the postman and looked at her once more before leaving the room to have it posted.

I left to find the postman but then I saw Zelda herself. I didn't know what to do. I was about to go back to my room when she approached me.


Please enjoy! Comment and vote if you did! Until the next chapter is up, may the triforce be with you.

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