Chapter 6

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Bethany's POV

Dove, Sophia, and I are having girls day right now, currently were at Doves place sitting on her bed talking about stuff "Hey guys, so a few days ago I woke up in the middle of the night and Cameron and I were cuddling and he called me Lyla again" I say "Oh poor boy" Dove says "Who is she" I say "We can't tell you it's not our place we're sorry honey" Sophia says and I nod

"Hey do you guys want to see this painting I've been working on" I say "You paint too!" Dove says and I nod "We'd love to see it" Sophia says so i hand it to them

"You know if I'm not mistaken this looks like Cameron" Sophia says "I don't know what you're talking about" I say "Artists paint what they feel so tell us what are you feeling" Dove asks " Well the boy in this painting is messy and the painting it...

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"You know if I'm not mistaken this looks like Cameron" Sophia says "I don't know what you're talking about" I say "Artists paint what they feel so tell us what are you feeling" Dove asks " Well the boy in this painting is messy and the painting itself is abstract and a little confusing and that's how I feel about Cameron, confused" I say "Why" Sophia asks "Well sometimes he's semi-nice to me and sometimes he's mean" I say "I wish I could help honey but I can't Im sorry" Dove says and I nod "Its fine thank you though" I say "Can we see another painting?" Sophia asks "Sure" I say and smile handing them another

"Wow you are really good" Dove says "Thanks guys it means a lot" I say "Whats the meaning of this one" Sophia asks "Well I was feeling really insecure one day so I started painting and this was the product" I say "I love it" Dove says "Thanks" I s...

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"Wow you are really good" Dove says "Thanks guys it means a lot" I say "Whats the meaning of this one" Sophia asks "Well I was feeling really insecure one day so I started painting and this was the product" I say "I love it" Dove says "Thanks" I say "So do you think if Cameron wasn't so mean to you you would like him you know like like him" Sophia asks "I don't know my last relationship was not good and I have trouble with trust because of it" I say "What happened" Dove asks "I was dating this boy named Jesse and we dated for 2 years before I found out he was cheating on me with one of my close friends so I broke up with him and it hurt really bad you know I kept thinking why am I not good enough or why is she better" I say "Aw honey" Sophia says and they hug me "Thanks guys" I say then BooBoo and Cameron walk in and sit with us

"Hey those paintings are nice who painted them" Cameron asks "Me" I say "Oh" he said blandly and I rolled my eyes putting my paintings away annoyed "Cameron why are you so rude to her" Dove asks "Because I am" he says and I roll my eyes "Not a good enough excuse" Sophia "Lets just say she reminds me of someone" Cameron says and the three others glare at him..what is happening?? "Hey guys I have an announcement to make" BooBoo says "Whats up" I say "Sophia and I are dating" he says and Sophia goes up next to him and holds his hand causing us all to 'awwww' because we've been shipping this for a while "Finally!!" I say "Hey guys I'm sorry I gotta go Thomas and I have a date" Dove says leaving "Were gong go hang out in my room" BooBoo says then him and Sophia leave "I'm gonna leave now too" Cameron says "Wait before you go I have a question" I say "Whats up" he asks curiously and I chuckle "Are you good with Algebra 2 because I have my final exam next week and I need some help studying and BooBoo, Sophia, and Dove said they don't know it well" I say "Algebra 2 is my best subject but I don't like you so no" he says and I roll my eyes "Cameron please I really don't want to fail" I say and he walks out so I grab my book deciding  to study without him


I'm currently sobbing on my bed because I've been studying for three hours but I just don't understand Algebra 2 "Why are you crying" Cameron asks confused probably at the sight of me surrounded by papers sobbing "I don't have the time or patience for you right now" I say running my hands through my hair breathing heavily trying to prevent a panic attack but failing "Woah woah calm down its gonna be okay" he says awkwardly trying to help "Cameron can you get BooBoo in here" I say and he nods going quickly to BooBoos room then about one minute later BooBoo runs in shutting the door so that no one else sees what's happening

"What's going on you've been so upset lately?" BooBoo asks "Final exams and Mother's Day and Cameron and B-never mind" I say "No what were you gonna say" he asks "Brooke has been acting really weird lately and this boy named Brandon at school has been telling me that I don't deserve you and Dove and Sophia" I say "Sis I'm so sorry" he says "Can I take online school next semester?" I ask "Sure, I'll set it up during winter break okay?" he says and I nod "Thank you" I say "I can't help you with final exams I don't know Algebra 2 sorry" he says "Cameron said he does but since he doesn't like me he wouldn't help" I say "I'll make him help" he says "Thanks" I say not knowing any other options so he leaves then Cameron comes back in

"What just happened?" he asked very confused "Don't pretend like you care" I say and he nods "Okay so let's start with.."


I wake up tucked into my bed with all my studying material put away neatly I sit up and stretch then go downstairs

"Oh hey guys also whoever tucked me in and cleaned my study materials thank you" I say sitting next to BooBoo "You're welcome" Cameron says and I look at him like he's insane..wait Cameron did that for me THIS BOY HAS ME SO CONFUSED "Also thanks for helping me study" I say "You're welcome" he says "Hey I ordered a pizza for you guys but Sofia, Dove, and I have to go film" BooBoo says and I nod as they leave and I turn on the tv

"Hey so is your best friend single?" he asks "Her name is Brooke and yes but she would never go for a jerk like you" I say and scoff "Damn someone's a little protective" he says sassily "If you're gonna be sassy you can leave now" I say "Gladly" he says slamming the door leaving "Why is he so complicated!" I yell out deciding to eat my pizza and watch some reruns of Andi Mack

His Sister: Cameron BoyceWhere stories live. Discover now