chapter 6 (part two)

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Destiny's POV

I had such a good sleep last night. Shawn is the best at cuddling, I swear. but last night was perf, from the magcon event, to the duet with Shawn, the day even ended in a good way, well you know with me and Shawn. but today is the second day of magcon and it doesn't start until about 4:00pm so we should have time to go do something. I'm gunna go wake up Keanna that lazy bum.

Keanna's POV

I wake up to destiny blowing on my face, she knows I hate that. ever since Matt did that yesterday.

me and Matt were in the room with Taylor, Cameron, Hayes, destiny and mahogany. we were all sitting down. and Matt went to go get his charger. so when he went to his room I grabbed his phone and quickly made a tweet. *@keannahaileeyy is my boss and I obey her and only her* he walked in and I quickly sent the tweet. he seen me on his phone and he started play fighting me, then he tickled me I was literally begging him to stop.
"Matt, stop. please I'll do anything!"
"give me my phone back!"
"anything but that!"
he stopped tickling me and started blowed on my face
"Matt. what the hell?"
he is like the few people who know I hate getting my face blown on. I told him when we were playing 21 questions before magcon yesterday and that's when I told him that I hate getting my face blown on. well now destiny knows because she was in the room with us. anyways I just woke up and gave her a dirty look. as a joke tho. I woke up and went to my suit case grabbed some black jeggings and a magcon sweater and went to the bathroom, took a shower, blowdried my hair, brushed my teeth, washed my face, did my makeup, thew on my clothes and then went to the next room. everyone was still sleeping except for me, destiny, carter, matt and mahogany. while we waited for everyone to wake up me and matt went in the other room and had a spongebob marathon. after about 2 hours matt got up and went to the bathroom I got bored of waiting, he probably got carried away on his phone being a little ass, i then decided to go and see if everyone was awake. sure enough they were and geuss who fell back asleep? destiny. she was asleep on shawns chest. i looked at shawn and he was taking a picture of destiny, typical shawn. i went and sat beside hayes and started a conversation with him, after about 2 minutes cameron asked where matt was. i told him he was still in the bathroom. we all started calling him. MATT!! MATT!!. Then carter yells " MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA, GET YOUR LITTLE ASS IN HERE!!!" Within seconds he gets his little ass in here. lol. he comes and sits with me, hayes gets up and goes to the chair. i guess he was uncomfortable? i ask matt what was taking him so long. he straight up told me he almost fell asleep while taking a shit. lmfao. i had to laugh #sorrynotsorry. bart comes in the room and tells us we have 15 minutes to get downstairs for breakfast. of course we had to text a guard first. we were all ready in about 5 minutes so nash called the guard and told him we were ready. we went downstairs and got into the cars and drove to some resturaunt. idek what the name is i was to focused on matt. im really depressed now tho, i dont know what is going on with me and matt. like what is our relationship at, just friends or what? what if he only thinks of me as a friend? i dont even want to be here right now i just want to sleep. whatever. i turn up my music and just close my eyes. then my phone goes off scared the shit out of me its from matt.

'its only been 10 minuets and i already miss you, these boys are so annoying right now.' i instantly reply

'aw matt, dont be sad you will see me in a couple minutes.'

'thats to long, i cant go another minute without you, ill die if im not with you.*que big deep breaths*'

'noo. dont die on me matt, stay strong'

and yeah our conversation consisted of that kind of stuff until the car came to a complete stop. i sent the message waited untill matt got out of his car then i ran to him, jumped in his arms and he gave me a kiss on the cheek. he wispers in my ear " i told you i wouldnt die on you" i start laughing and he starts twirling me while im still in his arms. he finally lets me go, i didnt really want him to let go of me tho:(

Matt's POV

Once we got to the restaurant we all found a table and say down. On my right I had keanna and on my left jack G. while we were waiting for the waiter we just had small conversations since none of us were morning people accept for keanna and destiny. After about 10 minutes the waiter finally came.

"Sorry for the wait, what would you guys like" he asked. He kept on looking at keanna and you could she was starting to feel uncomfortable, he noticed and then started eyeing destiny. Now that got me furious, he was checking out my LITTLE sister.
She looked up and I guess she noticed he was staring so she smiled. He then winked and destiny did the funniest thing, right after he winked she stuck up the middle finger and kissed Shawn on the cheek ( sorry I just had too!)
She then asked for a different waiter. In 2 minutes a different waiter came but this time it was a girl.
"Sorry for Tristan, he thinks he's cool with girls but then he actually just creeps them out" we then all ordered what we wanted and it was at our table in about 20 minutes.

~ after eating & back at the hotel ~

We had an hour to get ready for magcon and this is when I'm going to ask keanna to go on a date with me. I decided that I would sing/rap collide by jake miller, everyone knows except Keanna. The plan is that while I'm singing Destiny, Shawn, Jack G, Aaron, Carter, And me. while we waited for magcon to start we just decided to lay around and be lazy.

~ an hour later ~

we were in the back room while we were getting called out one by one. it was then my turn.

"matt your on in 3...2...1 GO!" I then run out and high five fans. I then stand on stage while everyone else is being called out. After jack and jack sang there songs it was then my turn.. "I am so nervous" I walked on stage and everyone started clapping and cheering. Today I will be singing and rapping Collide by jake miller!, everyone started clapping and screaming again. "Before I start I would like to bring up a special person, keanna will you come up here" I then look at her and she's smiling, she then walks on to the stage and while she's walking up you here a bunch of *awwhs* coming from the fans. once she sits on the stool, I start.

~ after matt sings ~ (I'm sorry that I didn't put the lyrics it's just that I didn't want to look for them(:.)

keanna was smiling so much and her eyes were glossy, right when I finished she jumped up into my arms. I spun her around and laughed. "oh, there's one more thing" she looked confused. "Taylor can you come cover her eyes for me" she then walked over and put his hands over her eyes. Right now destiny is holding up the sign that says Will Shawn's holding up You Jacks holding up Go Aaron's holding Out, Carter's holding With and then I'm holding up Me? with a white rose since Keanna doesn't really like red ones. "ok Taylor you could let her see now" He then uncovered her eyes.

Keanna POV

once Taylor uncovered my eyes I saw Destiny, shawn, jack, aaron, carter and Matt. once I read the signs I ran up to matt, jumped in his arms and he then picked me up and spun me around. when he put me down I looked at him and said...

Yes. He then handed me the rose. once magcon was over me and destiny got ready for tonight. I can't believe I'm going on a date with matt. but then my two bestfriends are going to be there also.

A/N I'm sooo sorry that the chapter didn't go up yesterday! I promise I'll updated the next chapter later on today, I love yous


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