Chapter two

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I woke up in a dark hallway.. *was I still in school* I thought. I pulled my phone out of my pocket even though it hurt. It was lunch, so I got up. In order for me to get up it took all my strength, after I got up I walked out of the school and went home so no one would see me. After I got home I dropped my bag on the floor and headed upstairs to take a bath.

~skip bath part~

After my bath I dried myself and got into sweats and a sweatshirt. I walked into my room and found my bag, pulled out my only friend.. My blade.

I walked towards my bed and sat there, debating if I should do it. I pulled my sleeve up and glided it against my skin
I cut 10 new fresh slices on my arm. I felt relieved. No one in my family knows and I don't want them to, but I know i would have to tell them sooner or later. After I laid in bed for about 15 minutes sleep took over my body.

~2 hours later~

"Ugh" I groaned as someone was shaking me and telling me to get up. " go Away" I groaned. "No you have to get up mom invited our new neighbours over for dinner so you have to get ready" I recognized the voice, it was matt. I forgot all about my arms until Matt looked at my sleeve. I didn't realize what he was looking at until I followed where is eyes were looking. My sleeve was covered in blood.

"Destiny... What I-Is tha-at?" Matt asked.

"I-I'm sorry matt... I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I'm a screw up I know.. I'm really sorry" I said as tears started pouring out of my eyes. Matthew ran over to me and hugged me as tight as possible.

"It's okay I promise, I'm always here for you, but after dinner I got something to tell you" Matthew said really excited

"Okay" I said more as a question.

After that Matthew left my room so i could get ready. He said I need to wear a dress or something since mom said too. I then went in the shower and did all the stuff you do in the shower, and then got dressed after I got out.


•Floral dress & brown belt (goes right above the knees)

• brown combat boots

• white cardigan

After I got dressed I curled my hair and then did my makeup. For today I only put on foundation ( to cover my bruise, shocked matthew didn't see it) concealer, blush, mascara and a light shade of pick for lipstick. Right as I was done I heard the doorbell. I rushed downstairs and yelled to my mom who was in the kitchen. "I'LL GET IT MOOOM!" I yelled. Once I opened the door I couldn't believe who I saw... It was the person who bullied me since grade 6 (yes, I got bullied since grade 6) it was the one and only..

Shawn Mendes.


I'm sorry my chapters are so short! I'm making the third chapter like right now! But thank you for reading I appreciate it<3

Hatred to love// Shawn mendes fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now