Part 3

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Larry's POV
I look next to me, and saw Tony on his phone... he's never on his phone... hmmmMmmM I'm suspicious of someone! I stared into his eyes, shining in the cheap grocery store light, who was he texting/ what was he looking at? I stood there in thought 'till Stephan broke the silence, "ok," he started, "we only have to get milk and we're done!" And everyone began to walk on. I knew Stephan didn't like quiet, he felt like that ment people were upset and he never enjoyed when that happened. Also i knew that Colin didn't like being around me in public, for some reason so i  decided to leave the talking to someone else. (Colin most likely because Tony was absorbed in his phone, I didn't want to "embarrass him" and Stephan RARELY started conversations) so, no one doing what I hoped they would, we continued the rest of the trip in silence. Then I realized, Colin was on his phone too...

Stephen's POV
I was berry unsettling hearing all the quiet... especially between Colin and Tony... they usually are the loudest two but I guess something must have happened today or something... eh I guess I'll just have to wait and see for myself. Harry pulled up the car to pick us up, (he has to drive us around because he's the only one with a driver's license) and we drove all the way home... in silence.

Hey guys! Sorry again for late updates, in the next few chapters I should be getting more into Tony and Colin, I'm just trying to do a lot of other POV from other people and give you a feel for the characters, alright, hope you enjoyed this, and HAVEAGOODONE

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