Part 4

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Paige's POV

Everything was oddly silent at dinner, for the first time in months... i just guess there was nothing really to say? Stephan, Robert (Fridge), Brandon (Bread Boy), Cameron (Evil Can), and Tina (Tin Spinach Can) always make the food, and it's really good! So, we ate our scrumptious dinner in the looming silence that hung over us. Until June burst up from her seat, "Ok that's it!" she said slamming her hands down on the table. "Did someone put a magical spell on you all to NOT SAY A FUCKING WORD?!?!" Stephan gasped and stood up, "Watch your profanity little lady!" and she shot back with, "I'M 16!" And then, it became a screaming mess, everyone was standing and screaming at each other, like it was politics! Every one except for me and Shrignold, who looked sick... a few mines into the fight, i screamed, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" so loud, that no one said a word after that. (Not even Stephan telling me to watch my profanity!) After a while, June couldn't take the silence, and she went to her room.

Shrignold's POV

As dinner passed, i sat there... uncomfortably... there was so much, hate in the house and the only ones that seemed to sill have love in them were Tony and Colin... the only person that could put this much hate into an entire house hold is- Malvolio... He must be back... not again not now!   Tony and Colin were finally starting to realize their love for one another! He must be put to a stop... i MUST aware Malcolm.

Heya! Me again, i just wanted to let you know, i want to thank you all for sticking with this book so far! I know i'm kinda getting off track with digital time, but it all ties together in one big plot! it's getting there, so thanks for staying with me all this time!

on a bigger matter, MALVOLIO... i'm not going to tell you much, i'll just tell you a little so you're semi-prepared for the next chapter, ok, Malvolio is the King of HATE, DEATH and DESTRUCTION. While on the other hand, Malcolm is the King of LOVE, BIRTH and CREATION. they are both from a distant world, but some mishaps happened between now and then, witch made the love kingdom very weak, with the 8 members left, (Shrignold, Becca ( Flower 1), Daisy (flower 2), Trevor (Tree), Bonnie (bunny), George (Purple dude), Uni (Unicorn), and Dan (Beaver\dog thing)) Malcolm plans to rebuild his army and defeat Malvolio once and for all, but in the mean time, they are too weak to fight, so the took up a hiding spot on earth, and they pray malvolio doesn't find them. 

I know what your thinking that was a lot of info, but there are lots more Questions you could ask, like, Where is malvolio now? What does HIS team look like? Are Malcolm and him related in any sort of way? What's their home planet called? I could go on for days and days! So, malvolio is still pretty much just a mystery. OK, gotta run, hope you enjoyed and HAVEAGOODONE!

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