Chapter 18

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"It's finally ready My Queen." I said showing her my new self.

"You look perfect. Well done." She said

"I heard about the upcoming war. Someone wants to steal your throne. What do you plan to do?" I ask.

"I'm still trying to figure it out. What about you?" She ask.

"I prefer to continue helping Eunjung for the meantime. With those eyes she'll be able to do it right this time." I said and she just nodded.

"Resurrection is a ritual. Eunjung won't be able to do it without a Guardian of Death." She said.

"I came up to that conclusion too. But Eunjung hates Guardians of Death so much. Revealing my true self to her would be dangerous." I said.

"Then, convince her that you're her perfect match. With your new form and her little knowledge about everything I'm sure you'll be able to convince her. We must take risk as this is our only chance for survival" She said.

It's indeed risky but the queen believes in me.

I must not disappoint her.

"My Queen. I have a bit of advice. Please avoid going out using your powers. You're not that strong yet. You need to reserve your energy." I said.

"Don't worry. I know what I'm doing" She said.

"I really hope you do My Queen. If we fail this time I'm sure you're aware that it'll be the end." I said before I leave to continue my mission.


I'm here up in a tree with Hyomin looking at the two figure hugging each other.

It seems like they're so into their own world that they didn't notice our presence at a close distance.

At first I really don't like Jiyeon getting near Eunjung. I thought it'll be dangerous for her but it seems like....both of them shares the same fate.

Mom's suspicions about Jiyeon's real identity have a high chance of being true.

However, that makes her much more in danger around Eunjung.

If only there's a way to find out what really happens in the past. I'd be able to explain it to everyone so Eunjung doesn't have to hate Guardians of Death anymore.

"Jihyun-ah. Jiyeon..."

I shifted my glance to Hyomin when she suddenly voice out.

I'm standing on the branch while she sits on it.

"What is it?" I ask sitting beside her.

"Jiyeon is really important to you" She said while looking at Eunjung and Jiyeon.

Sometimes I wonder how on Earth did a hunter fall in love with me and be this persistent though she knows we're enemies.

"Hyomin-ah. I must say you're different from other hunters but you're aware of the upcoming war. Don't you think that's it's a wrong choice to spend your time with me?" I said to her ignoring her remarks about Jiyeon being important to me.

"We both know that the war is not necessary. Our parents might have been thinking that war is the last resolve but do we really have to think the same way as they do? As future heiress of our clans....well, that's if my father choose me to. We must come up into a new solution to this mess." She said which kinda surprise me and somehow admire her for what she believes.

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