Chapter 12

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"Two small villages from different places was totally deserted. There are no signs that people there move somewhere else since all their belongings was still in their houses. We're still having a hard time to trace where did all the mortal go" That's a report from one of the hunter who came to those villages for investigation.

This is getting worst day by day.

"Any progress with your mission Boram?" My Dad ask.

"A friend of mine witness a group of students suddenly disappear in a blink of an eye. She didn't know how did that happen coz just like those reported there's no trace left at all." I explained.

It still remains a mystery to me. Even if you're the fastest Guardian or Vampire you can't probably escape without getting noticed. It might work for mortals but not for us.

"That's the first time I heard of that thing" One member of the council said.

"Indeed....anything else you find?" Dad ask.

I think for few seconds and shook my head.

I don't trust every member of the council to be honest. That's why I need to figure out the mystery that lies on the school's restricted area before I let them know.....well if it's worth telling them.

"How about the vampires? Are they involve in this?" They ask.

Normally, I was thinking that they are somehow responsible but thinking about what Soyeon told me....those somehow makes sense

"I don't think they are. Few sources told me that vampires were also investigating about this incident and was actually thinking that we're responsible to this just like how we suspect them" I said.

"So we are facing an unknown enemy" Mr. Park said.

"Maybe not....A Guardian of Death appears the other night. It must've been all her doing. And she's after Hahm Eunjung. It'll be dangerous if they work together" One member said.

A Guardian of Love and a Guardian of Death is dangerous when they work together?

"Then, we must kill Hahm Eunjung before that Guardian of Death convinced her to join whatever she's planning to do" My Dad said.

It'll be dangerous for Eunjung. That means more hunters will be sent to assassinate her.

I stand up and excuse myself since I'm not needed here anymore.

I go to Hyomin's house so that we could proceed to our mission but her Mom said she's not yet home.

I tried calling her but she's not picking up.

Don't tell me she's planning on ditching me again. It's not that I can't do this alone but I don't want to go there by myself.

It's really creepy inside that building and I'm a person who doesn't get scared easily but that one....that one really terrifies me.

"There you are."


I turn around and saw Soyeon walking towards me. She's walking lazily with her hands on the pocket of her coat.

And she's also the last person I wanted to see.

"Why are you looking for me?" I ask.

"Hmm. I'm looking for someone to marry" She said and smile.



"What does that have to do with me?! I have more important things to do Park Soyeon! Leave me alone!" I irritably said.

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