I never imagined I would fall for someone so... different from the girls I'm used to chasing.
My approaches have been direct, but this girl... never seems to realize when I'm flirting with her.
"Really?" Hands on her hips, [Y/N] gives a subtle shake of her head when she sees me. "I just patched you up this morning."
I lift up my injured arm, showing her the bandages that came apart. "You didn't do a well enough job it seems." I joke, flashing a smile that usually makes girls swoon.
But she doesn't seem affected.
"It's alright, I understand that you're a new nurse." I say teasingly. "And I would not mind it if you use me to hone your skills."
"Very funny," [Y/N] replies sarcastically, motioning for me to sit on the exam table near her. "And I'm not that new, y'know?" she says as she begins to undo the bandages around my wrist. "I've been practicing nursing for a year or so now."
"Yes, but you've only been recently hired by my father," I speculate. "So you are new to the Shimada estates."
"True," She gives an absent-minded hum and examines my bandages, not really paying heed to my words.
I look at her silently, taking the opportunity to study her feminine features.
Something about the way she puts my advances off, or just blatantly ignores it, attracts me.
Her touch is delicate, yet firm. She works with deft precision, quick in her task.
"Hey," I urge her. "Take your time, please. I have the entire evening."
She pauses for a moment, looking up at me with surprise in her eyes. "Well... I'm kind of hoping to go home soon. But you've injured your hand more. What happened?"
"Training." I reply with a shrug.
"How hard do you and your brother go at it?" She takes some medicated solution and applies it to the breaks in my skin.
Though it stings and burns, I don't complain—keeping in mind my goals of impressing her and making her fall for me.
"We take our training pretty seriously."
"So... is he kicking your butt every time you train, then?" She asks, with a teasing smile this time. "I haven't seen your brother at all since I've been here."
"Heh," I smile, not quite forthcoming with what I know about Hanzo. "Yeah, he's more skilled than me... but that's only because he has more experience under his belt. Being... older and all."
"He sounds scary. I hope I don't ever meet him!" She gives me a cute laugh, one that always makes my gut do odd flips.
A warming feeling that I haven't felt in years... not since my mother passed.
[Y/N] secures the bandages around my forearm, concluding her ministration.
"How old are you anyway?" She asks me, her brow raised.
"I'm 24. And single." I try flashing my trademark, heart-throbbing smile at her again.
"Good to know," She flicks me on the nose with her finger. The gesture takes me by surprise, and my hand shoots up to cover my nose.
I stare at her, wide eyed.
Her playfulness throws me off.
Is she flirting with me now?
It's hard to tell...
But she just laughs, turning to clean her workspace.
"Okay, Mr. Shimada," She says with a wave of her hand. "You're free to go! Don't come back anytime soon, you hear?"
I watch her as she turns her back to me. Restraining a sigh, I think to myself, Maybe she really is oblivious...
"Hey, [Y/N]?" I call her.
She turns her head, looking at me over her shoulder with a tired smile on her face. "Yeah?"
"You... uh..." I was going to ask her to dinner, but my resolution suddenly, rapidly dwindles. "You do a good job."
I never get this way around girls, but this one has sapped me of my self-confidence.
"Thanks, Genji." She turns around to face me fully, the smile on her face appreciative and beaming. "You'll defeat your brother, I know it. And maybe he'll be the one I'm tending to someday soon."
I ...don't like the sound of that. The idea of Hanzo seeing her, interacting with her, fills me with jealousy.
And though I won't verbally admit my green-eyed monster, I'll do everything to secure her heart for myself.
Even if that means letting Hanzo kick my ass in training every time.
A/N: You guys are probably wondering why the heck I'm spitting out another story. This one was definitely a spur of the moment kind of thing. But I couldn't help but imagine what would happen if the brothers' fallout never took place.
I'm trying something new. I'll be writing in the reader's "you" point of view, Genji's and Hanzo's, too (both first point of view). And in present tense!
Let me know what you guys think!

For the Better 〈Hanzo x Reader x Genji〉
Fanfiction[Alternate Universe] Genji's always been known to underachieve. He gets by with the bare minimum--especially when he's living in the shadow of a successful older brother. He doesn't care. At least... not until he meets someone who captures more t...