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                                                                            THANK YOU 

thank you, my lovely reader, who read this book all the to the end so yes I know I did a lot of mistakes in it I was like thirteen when I first wrote it I was obsessed with one direction and twilight I made this book when twilight was over and yes I learn London and England are the SAME things now but I didn't know that then because I barely went to school because of personal family problems I didn't really learn that much so to those people that keep asking me you spell this wrong or england and london are the same I can't read it well my anwser to you is I'm sorry I couldn't spell that good or didnt space words this was my second book my frist one was Alexandra Swan now that book is still unfinished and I dont think I'm going to finish it I'm now 17 doing online to catch up and to graduated again I want to thank you guys for voting and I did make the second book of this its call (Going on without you) its about Angel years later past how she is coping without harry and trying to move on I swear the spelling and gramer is going to be correct in it I'll make sure of it so please go and read that 

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