Chapter one: Forgetfulness and Dresses

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The flimsy cardboard box containing most of my earthly possessions slipped out of my hand, ending with a loud thump at it's destination: the ground.

"Hey, you need some help with that?" A male voice sounded behind me.

"No," I huffed, "I can manage." I tucked a stray piece of brown hair behind my ear and attempted again to wrap my arms around the rough material, scoop it up, and try to walk more than five feet without it slipping again.

"Oh honey, you know what they say, 'lift with the back' I think it is.." My mom appeared from behind me looking upwards, trying to remember what part of the human body is supposed to help with heavy lifting,while my childhood blanket was tightly tucked under her arm.

I shook my head, wanting to laugh but knowing if I did my arms would go weak and I'd be back to square one.

"Mom.. That is the exact opposite of what they say you should do. And on a side note, why do you have that." I emphasized my disgust with a grimace, nodding my head towards the ratty material I'd slept with all of my child and some of my teenage life.

My mom's face dropped slightly and she rubbed her manicured thumb carefully over the fabric, tracing holes that have broadened with time.

"What? You really don't want your blanky? How will you sleep? You're going off to college, you'll be all by yourself. Trust me, you're going to thank me for bringing it, maybe not now, but eventually." She made it seem as if my blanket would be the only thing that would keep my sanity in check, which from my past experiences of homesickness, that may very well be accurate.

And yes, it's true. My first day not only at college, but as an independent woman. And to quote every cliche movie ever, the first day of the rest of my life! [Insert annoyed groan]

"The least you could do is not parade it around. It's day one and I'm trying to avoid having the reputation of thumb sucker. Just.. Give it here."

She rolled her eyes and tossed it at me. I held back a gasp, you can't just throw it, it's delicate.. I tried to not make it obvious how careful I was with it to avoid the 'I told you so' from mom. You can't blame me, it's a childhood memento. I set the box that was somehow still in my hands down and slid open the top just enough so I could stuff in the blanket.

"You know, we aren't going to be seeing eachother for a while. You could atleast be a little nicer to me now so that I have atleast one positive memory to remember you by." My mom sounded close to tears, but considering the fact that she's an ex-actress, it was my turn to roll my eyes.


Okay, bed set up: check. Food: check. School supplies that I will probably lose before the end of first semester: check. Toothbrush... Wait. Of all things to forget, I forget the most basic, common, day-to-day, essential. I search frantically through my toiletry bag just to be sure. Nothing. Just my luck. I turned to my mom who was on the phone with my stepdad. She was gushing over how nice the dorms are, and that they even have a bathroom in each shared room. I resisted the urge to tell her that if she thinks it's so amazing then she should just come here herself.


She lifted up her pointer finger, the brightness of her hot pink nail polish almost blinding me, signaling to give her one second. More like one hour.


She shushed me.


"Hold on a second Mark." She pressed her small palm over the face of the phone. "WHAT?"

"Um. Uh." I didn't really feel the desire to inform her of my forgetfullness anymore but her patience was wearing thin and if I just replied with 'nothing' she'd be even more pissed.

"I, uh, I forgot to pack a toothbrush." I said softly, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"Dear, you know I hate it when you mumble." She sighed. "I guess you'll just have to ask to share your roommate's toothbrush.."

My face scrunched up in disgust and before I got a chance to respond she interrupted me.

"Kidding! Kidding! Grow a sense of humor, would you?" She paused to fluff up her styled hair and recollect her thoughts. "I saw a little convenience store close by that you can get one at. And, as a new adult, my gift to you.. You get to walk there!"

I sighed, irritated by my over-the-top mother.

"Look, I would drive you there but I gotta run, I got a call from a producer a week ago, offering me an audition, which may I add is in less than an hour! This could be my chance to make it back to the big leagues. Now, I love you. Remember, study first, boys second. But the exact opposite on weekends. I'll call you later." She kissed me on the cheek and held my face in her hands.

"My baby's all grown up." She said with a teary sigh but I wasn't sure whether or not she was completely serious or playing the part of "loving mother who is just realizing her baby bird is leaving the nest".

Either way, I was relieved when she finally left. I was actually able to take a breath without being critiqued on it. I could tell that my roommate had already been here to unpack. But now, she was nowhere to be seen. The thought barely emitted from my brain before a tall, should-be-awkward-but-manages-to-pull-it-off, figure crashed through my door.

"Oh. I wasn't expecting company?" She said sarcasticly and chuckled after. "I'm Tori. I guess we are going to be living in the same 10 by 12 square foot box for the next year."

I couldn't tell if I liked her yet, she had a nice sense of humor but I wasn't quite sold. She was almost 6-foot. Her hair was probably as long as I am tall, it reached a bit below her hips and was blonde and naturally wavy. She had big, blue crystal eyes that were too intense to look into for too long. Her gaze alone could probably cause the heart's of men all over to swoon. She was wearing a flowy dress that landed at her upper thigh, where it probably would have been to my knees. She was obvioisly gorgeous, and as any other girl would, I felt that ever-nagging feeling of self-inadequacy.

"Either you're actually a robber and me catching you has shocked you into silence or you're just not planning on telling me your name.." Another joke. It finally registered in my brain and I realized I had just been standing there in silence, analyzing the situation for probably a whole minute.

"Oh yeah, sorry. I'm Macy, a student here, not a robber." I joked back, relieved when she laughed. Maybe this won't be so bad.

"Hey, since you aren't here to burglar me, I'll invite you to join me at this party tonight. It's at one of the frat houses. It's sort of a "welcoming of the fresh meat" that the Alpha Gamma Rho hold every year in the hopes of getting innocent freshmen girls drunk so they can have sex with them."

She saw my expression and quickly added: "But seeing as you will be with me, all you have to worry about having is an awesome time!" She said in the fakest peppy voice she could manage.

"I don't know.. It's the first day and classes start tomorrow." I mumbled looking down at my fairly old sneakers. I felt bad to already be rejecting her seeing as how we only met two minutes ago. Earlier, I was so worried about having a baby reputation but now I might be on track for being an overall loser. She rolled her eyes at me.

"What's the point in going to one of the biggest party schools if you're not gonna party?" She raised a mischevious, perfectly curved eyebrow at me.

Well.. She's got a point.

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