Chapter two: Convenience Stores and Open Doors

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I sat on my bed nervously with legs dangling over the side, watching Tori rummage through her suitcase. She would occasionally toss something either on the floor or on her bed and I was beginning to wonder if there was a method to her messiness.

"Ah ha!" She shouted, gripping a small, navy blue bundle of material in her hands. Has she ever heard of folding. She shook it out, letting the short, what I'm assuming tight, dress out. Despite the sporadic wrinkles, the dress was beautiful. It was curve-hugging and swoop-backed. I already knew how amazing she would look in it. She turned around, holding loosely onto the dress. She seemed surprised to see me still sitting there, almost as if she had forgotten I existed. It wouldn't be there first time that had happened to me.

"Sorry, I'm just going to have to get used to the whole 'roommate' thing." She told me. I could see all the gears moving in her brain as if she was trying to process the idea at that moment.

"So, what are you planning on wearing." She added, obviously not one for awkward silences. I looked down at what I was wearing. A t-shirt with a panda on it and black skinny jeans.


She almost choked.

"Oh honey, no no no no no no," The echo of no's continued as she turned back to search unsystematically through her suit case. She found a lavender dress, a lot quicker than she had found hers, and turned it around to show me. It was another tight dress, but to make it worse, this one would show even more cleavage. She smiled, almost too big to be considered sane, at me, waiting for a response.

"Uh. That is definitely something." I mumbled nervous. How was I supposed to pull that off.

"Don't make that face! This is gonna look so good on you. I mean, look at your boobs." I looked down at my chest. All I could see was the cartoon panda on my t-shirt smiling at me.

"Look, if you don't like it fine, you can go in the fricken bear shirt. Which of course won't happen because I know you'll love it! I'm going to go get ready, so I'll just leave it here." She placed the ball of light fabric on ny desk. I really am starting to question whether or not she can fold.

As soon as I heard the rushing water of the shower turn on I sighed. I hate being put in situations like this. If I wear the dress I'll look awkward and be uncomfortable, but if I don't wear the dress, Tori and I's friendship will be awkward and uncomfortable. I pushed my self off the bed, creating the sound of rusty springs squeaking. I picked up the dress and examined it. I have time to think this over, I need to get ready anyways. That's when it hit me, and I hit me for being so stupid. A toothbrush! How am I supposed to go out in public to a party with potential cute boys with coffee mixed with turkey sandwich breath? I rushed out of my room, praying that I'd be back before Tori emerged from the bathroom, wondering where I was.


The walk to the store wasn't too bad, which will be extremely convenient for whenever I have little emergencies like this throughout the year. I reached for the long, sleek handle of the glass door, but was beat to it by a much larger hand.

"Ladies don't open doors." A very flirty voice informed me.

"Really? That's strange because I've been doing it all my life." My voice was dripping with sarcasm, I wasn't really someone who enjoyed the whole chivalry thing. I looked up to meet the eyes of my "hero" and froze. I wasn't expecting someone this attractive and it took my breath away. He had light brown eyes that were warm and comforting to look into. His hair was a silky black and was styled up messily but the best kind of messy. He had stubble that grew on his chiseled jaw. I wasn't sure if it was purposeful or he had just been too lazy to shave. Either way, it suited him. I didn't even let my eyes travel any lower than his face because I knew that it probably would just keep getting better and I didn't want to start drooling.

I recollected myself and stepped through the door.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm aroind you won't have to worry about it." His voice was smooth and you could tell he was very sure of himself.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows, although I hadn't bothered to turn around so he didn't see it.

"Doors. You won't have to open them..." He seemed annoyed to have to explain his cheekiness.

"Oh." I had totally forgot we were in the middle of a conversation. I spotted the small wall bathroom products and began to head that way.

"So do you go to school here?" Someone called after me. I stopped and turned around, I hadn't realized he was still making an attempt to talk to me.

"What?" I had heard him I was just puzzled at the random question.

"Am I speaking too fast or something? I asked if you go to school here?" He started out rude but by the time he finished talking he was back to his nonchalant attitude.

"Uh. Yeah." I answered, turning back around to scan the racks for the cheapest toothbrush. 'Nine out of ten dentists recommend.' 'Will rid of plaque in two weeks guaranteed.'


I found a blue one for 99 cents and snatched it from the wall before turning around and walking past the beautiful boy with his hands in his pockets.

"So," I heard him jog to catch back up with me "Are you going to the big "freshman orientation" frat party tonight?" He inquired, running his hands through his hair.

"Uh, yeah. I am actually. Are you?"

"Well, I kind of have to.."

"Oh. How come?"

"I'm in the fraternity."

I nodded, trying to not show my surprise. I wouldn't have pegged him for a fraternity guy; more of an angsty, wanna-be-artist, hipster.

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