Brightwing's loyality chapter 4

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ThunderClan                                                                Alliences

Leader: Petalstar: grey she-cat with darker flakes and blue eyes

Deputy: Drumstep: golden brown tabby tom with amber eyes

Apprentice: birchpaw

Medicine cat: Whitechest: Black she-cat with a white underbelly, nuzzle and paws


Moonwing - pretty sleek black she-cat with a greying pelt and yellow eyes

Apprentice: Brightpaw

Dusktooth - cream tan-coloured tom with amber eyes

Minteyes - A silver tabby tom cat with bright green eyes

Pureheart - a very pale grey she-cat with a fluffy tail with blue eyes

Bubblestep - a white she-cat with light grey paws and ears

Apprentice: Poppypaw

Darkheart - a ginger and black tri-coloured she-cat with amber eyes

Apprentice: Silverpaw

Sunecho - a brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Skyhowl - a dark brown tom with green eyes

Barkwind - a dark brown tabby tom with a white underbelly

Apprentice: Adderpaw

Patchfern - a ginger and white she-cat with green eyes 

Ravenfeather - a long-furred black tom with dark blue eyes

Apprentice: Dawnpaw

Stormleap - a swift dark grey tom with blue eyes

Kindledust - a ginger and white she-cat with orange eyes

Apprentice: Jump-paw 

Bloodfang - a dark ginger tabby tom with dark amber eyes


Adderpaw - a red-brown and white tabby tom

Silverpaw - a slender silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes

Brightpaw - a long-furred, pretty white she-cat with blue eyes

Jump-paw - a ginger tabby tom with a white underbelly 

Birchpaw - a brown tabby tom with yellow eyes

Dawnpaw - a pretty calico she-cat with amber eyes

Poppypaw - a small tortoiceshell and white she-cat with blue eyes


Dappledsplash - a calico tortoiceshell she-cat 

Greyfog - a grey and white she-cat with clear blue eyes (Mother to lionkit, a grey tabby tom, silverkit, a grey tabby tom, blackkit, a black tom, moonkit, a black she-kit)

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