Chapter 1

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This story is a malexmale story. Another words men kissing, touching, or doing sexual acts with other men. This story will also contain harassment/sexual harassment, master and slave relationship ( butler/master), child slavery, human trafficking, and abuse (mental/physical) If you do not like Manxman or subjects mentioned above or you are underage, please do not read or leave negative comments.

I know that some of the subjects mentioned above are depressing as well as unlawful but they play a huge part in the main characters background and are relevant to the progression of the story. I promise even though these topics are present in the story, it will be light and hopefully funny through out a lot of the story.

I will also write a brief message before the chapter(s) that contain more hardcore subjects especially sexual material, though most will have a small bit of the topics listed above in them. You were warned.

For those of my readers who do enjoy Manxman etc, I hope you enjoy my story. I thank you all for giving my work a chance.

~ blutengel95


P.S. I apologize if my words are harsh or offensive. I just do not want my story deleted for any reason, that is why I have warned my readers before hand.

I know this might start out slow, but hopefully you will continue to read it. I promise it will get better ^_^ just give it a chance. This chapter is written in thought POV so in this chapter italics are what is going on outside of his thoughts or words with emphasis. Hope you enjoy. ^_^ ***

Dear diary,

I've decided to start recording my life story. It's lame I know. So, the story of my life. Where should I begin? My childhood? That's where most people would start, though there's not much to tell. I never really had one. I've never known my parents. My Mother died during child birth and my Father well, he's a weak man, I never knew him either.

After my Mothers death he became a drunk and a lousy Father, all he wanted to do was drink his sorrows away instead of raising his child, so he signed his parental rights away. So as a infant I was handed over to my Aunt, Meredith, who hated my mom.

Which really wouldn't be that bad except she never really wanted to raise me in the first place. So I grew up every day with her constantly telling me that I owed her everything, even my life if she wished it. If I did something she didn't like, like whinning or I didn't do something right away or the "proper" way, my punishments were beyond comprehension.

Eventually I just began to do everything the woman commanded of me without question. I basically became her servant and still am. I've never gone to a public school. I've always been homeschooled, so I have no friends nor do I know anyone other than my Aunt's few friends. All of whom treat me as if I am non-existent.

I will admit that at first it bothered me. I was hurt and confused. But what child would understand why their only family treated them like disposable goods. Though being treated this way no longer bothers me, I've grown accustomed to my Aunts spiteful ways. So at about the age of eight I no longer sought out her love or adoration.

But then that day came, and I found out the reason Meredith despised my Mother. Apparently Meredith and my Mother Anny were half sisters, they shared the same mother. But Anny's father was different, very different. He had a special gift. And this gift was passed on to my mother and then to me.

I had bumped into Meredith's favorite vase while I was sweeping. It fell from the podium Meredith had specially built for that vase. It fell, to me in a slow motion, and crashed to the floor with a loud heart shattering crash. Small blue slivers of glass bounced and cut my leg.

Before I had time to even react Meredith came in, shrieking at me; "You damn child look what you've done! My vase! Oh dear God." She hollered holding her head. Suddenly she swung at me her talon like nails scraping against the delicate skin of my cheek. I fell back landing in the shards of glass.

I was so scared and then, something miraculous happened I no longer heard Meredith shouting at me so I opened my eyes everything in the room had stopped. As if time itself had been frozen. Stunned, I sat there in the broken glass and watched, wide eyed, as everything in the room was still, everything including Meredith. Not even her chest heaved with breath.

Everything stayed frozen, that is until I began to calm down. Then slowly I saw Meredith's breasts begin to  rise and fall, then become faster as each second ticked on. Slowly her gaze became tainted by fear and hatred. Meredith began to speak again but now her words were no longer about the broken vase.

I didn't understand why her demeanor had suddenly changed. I sat in the glass, my face twisted by confusion. " You don't understand do you? You're just like your mother, her and her gifts. All I ever heard come from our Mothers mouth was; 'Oh Anny you have such talent.' and 'Norman, our girl will be famous one day.' She said in a mocking tone. All our mother ever did was praise that, that freak. And now here you come along and you're just like her. Gifted. She screamed at me, throwing her hands about in the air like a mad woman.

I didn't know it at the time but my gift was more like a hellish curse. I didn't know how to control my abilities, still don't. Yes, abilities more than one. I soon found out after being pushed to the edge that I had several gifts. One of them being that I can well, in a sense freeze things or stop time. The other being what has come to be known as telekinesis or the ability to move things with the mind. Or in my case at times explode things.

Maybe I'm getting away from myself. I haven't even introduced myself. My name is Kai Vyas. I'm eighteen and in case you can't tell I'm a guy. I only say that because many people assume I am a girl from my name. Which is kind of ironic because I've been told that I have very feminine features.

"Kai get down stairs!" Called a piercing hawk like voice from the bottom of the stairs.

"Coming!" Kai shouted back in response.

Well I guess this is all I'm going to be able to write for now. Later it is then to continue on with my tale.

*** Sorry this chapter is so short. It's hard to start a story but once I get it going it'll be better. And there's going to be smexy BxB. ^_^ So please continue to read and give me your opinions of the first chapter of Honey Child. ***

Honey Child yaoi/malexmaleWhere stories live. Discover now