ch 3

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"Bind him and take him to the car." A man's voice ordered, stirring me out of my slumber.

I open my eyes and stare at the grayed ceiling. I hear floorboards creaking to my left. I look in that direction to see a man dressed in black walking towards me.

I jump up and try to lash out at him but my arms are being restrained before I can get a punch in. I glance over my shoulder to see another man standing there binding my wrists.

"Let go of me!" I cry fighting against him. But for the love of God this man is strong. I pull against him using all my weight but he only tightens his grip on my arms.

"Use the chloroform you idiot." The man binding my arms barks.

"O-oh right."

The man in front of me steps forward, extending his arms towards my face.

I try to rain back against his touch but with both of these men fighting against me I can't move.

The man presses a damp cloth over my mouth and nose. Within minutes I feel my strength beginning to wane. My body feels heavy and everything in the room is getting darker and darker.

You know that feeling before you faint when everything gets really quiet and sluggish and the room kind of spins? Yeah, this is like that but twice as bad. Your head pounds and the fumes burn your nose and throat and make you feel like you're going to throw up.

God what the hell is going to happen to me? Why are these men doing this?

But I can't think on it any more because every thing is going black. I feel my body go completely limp. It feels like I'm sinking into a deep dark abyss.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

I awoke with a loud ringing in my ears. My head, God my head is killing me. I feel like my heads been bashed in by a sledge hammer. My body feels heavy. Oh man what happened to me? Was I hit by a bus?

I open my eyes but my vision is blurry. All I can make out are cylindrical shapes in front of me. There are red and black blurs of movement farther behind the odd shapes. And what I'm assuming are people like blobs moving about the area. The lights in the room are quite bright and only blind me more, they cause my head to split with inconceivable pain.


I try to rub my temples, but I can't move my arms. Maybe it's because I don't have much strength. I keep trying to move my arms but I can't. Why can't I move? Am I paralyzed?

My throat feels tight, like there's a ball stuck in it. My chest feels heavy. Every breath now coming in short gasps. I feel my heart pounding against my ribs. My palms and face sweaty.

Wait, calm down Kai. Calm down. Breath, just breath. I take in several shaky breaths to calm myself but it only works so much. Oh wonderful, just send yourself into a panic attack. What wonderful timing.

Come on Kai think. If you were paralyzed what couldn't you do? You couldn't wiggle your toes. So I move my toes. Good I can move my toes.

Now what next? You couldn't move your legs. I stretch out my heavy legs. The muscles in my calves aching with the strain full movement.

Good. Good. Now your arms. Okay. I can move my fingers, but why can't I move my arms? What the, what's wrong with me? I try and try to move my arms but it's like I'm being held down.

Wait what is that I feel on my wrists? I struggle against it but it only burns my already achy wrists. Then I realize that's rope I feel on my wrists. My hands are tied behind my back.

Honey Child yaoi/malexmaleWhere stories live. Discover now