ch 5

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~ blutengel95


I awoke, feeling the alien softness of a strangers bed beneath my limbs. I stretched my weary body, the grogginess that comes with sleep fading with the blissful feeling of my muscles straining.

I feel something lacy brush against the soles of me feet. Curious I sit up in my bed only wishing I had not sat up up in the first place. To my horror, there at the foot of my bed rests a frilly black dress with a white lacy apron sitting atop of it.

What in the world is this?! I mutter out load, extending my weary hand for the abominable piece of clothing. A dress? Why is there a maids uniform laying on my bed?! I sit there, my mind racing.

Maybe they cleaned one of the maids uniforms and accidentally put the uniform in the wrong bedroom. Or maybe it's some kind of prank on the new guy. I mean that maid from last night really didn't seem to like me. Maybe this is her way of getting back at me.

Oh I don't know. I seriously hope this is just some mistake. What should I do? Should I take it to one of the maids and tell them there was some kind of mix up.

Yeah, I think that's the best thing to do. Reluctantly I crawl out of my bed, and put my shoes on. Hesitantly I grab the uniform and make my way to the door. God I seriously hope this is some kind of mistake.

After getting lost in this giant maze like house I somehow find myself walking along a long dark corridor. I hear faint whispering, low barely audible at first but the deeper I walk along the corridor the louder the voices become.

I recognize one of the voices as that of the cocky "young master."

Where the hell am I? I mean seriously what kind of place is this? It's so dark and creepy, it's like some kind of dungeon from a scary movie except... it doesn't smell bad and it's not cold and wet. Actually it's quite comfortable down here. It's nice and warm and it kinda smells like, like freshly bloomed roses?

There's a dim light at the end of the hallway. It sounds like the voices are coming from that room. I don't even know if I'm supposed to be down here, let alone what I might come upon.

Yesterday in the car Zion mentioned something about me being another one of Niklaus's pet Which makes it seem like he's had many of these pets. If he has had many, why? What does he do to them. Oh good god what if this is some kind of torture room or punishment chamber.

Oh yeah, that's wonderful just send yourself into a panic attack. I think to myself grabbing my hair in my clenched fists. Alright Kai pull yourself together it's probably just some other room like the many you walked by on your way here, wherever here is.

Silently I peek around the doorway my eyes sweeping along the room until I spot Niklaus and a woman sitting on red leather sofa near the open bay window. The woman is quite beautiful with her long black hair and long dark lashes. She sits her long legs crossed, her hands in her lap. Her plump red lips pursed in what I assume is thought.

"Niklaus your father told me that you seem to have taken a liking to your new pet. Is this true?" She asks her dark eyes scanning Niklaus's face for any hint of a reaction.

"Of course it is, have you seen him? He's just, well, so adorable."

"His features or his actions? I heard he's quite a defiant one."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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